Reporting and Moderation
blackbird71 last edited by
Perhaps I'm being shunned... sigh...
Edited to add: although this post elevated to the top of the index...
A Former User last edited by
The helling maching definitely doesn't like my Russian weather reports. Made in Brazil?
A Former User last edited by
A guy posts there in a Slavic language only (copypaste) - that goes with flying colours. Should I post in Chinese? -
A Former User last edited by
Approved posts are held for editing again. Is it normal?
It needs editing there: "childing" to "childish".
digmed last edited by
Approved posts are held for editing again. Is it normal?
Yes. Spammers often post non-spam posts, then edit them to add spam links in an effort to "fool" spam filters. I've seen this on the forums many times. And so, all posts go through the spam filter even if it's an edited post that's been approved earlier.
A Former User last edited by
The post in question was edited by myself - held in that way.
Now I can't see the edit took place, and the editing time's expired...
Nah, sorry, it's o'k. -
blackbird71 last edited by
And so, all posts go through the spam filter even if it's an edited post that's been approved earlier.The "catch" with that is the half-hour timer for editing. Either it expires during moderation or the unpredictable turn-around time for moderation means a user probably doesn't realize that it's been released from jail until hours later. In which case, the edit timer is still usually expired. Maybe there simply isn't a good solution.
A Former User last edited by
No, the timer wasn't expired. But the post got held again, and I didn't know if the edit was gonna be fulfilled. It did eventually, but no idea as whether it was approved or done manually by a good person.
A Former User last edited by admin
Well, I submitted a post yesterday, in the 'Lounge', the topic being on page 2. It was held, then approved, but the problem is the topic didn't up, and nobody presumably would see the update - except for me personally, 'cause I knew it was to appear.
blackbird71 last edited by
That seems to be normal operation for these forums. I see the same thing happen in topics where I get trapped for moderation. For somewhat older threads, it can be a major issue (particularly for long moderation hold times), since the prior thread posters may never see an update has occurred as the index listing scrolls off the bottom. Moreover, the lower-left-corner user notifications about postings can be very "iffy", both in terms of how soon/often they appear and how short their viewing time before they forever evaporate. I wish it all were otherwise with the forum's protocols, but it seems not to be.
blackbird71 last edited by
Hmm. All 3 out of my 3 prior posts today are blocked for moderation. Have you tightened up the filters a bunch or am I just a favorite target at the moment?
Edited to add: at least this one got through.
A Former User last edited by
@davehawley & @rafaelluik
It's still 1st of April, you bastards!Oh...kay?
I don't know what you mean... Sorry for the long time to answer, the citation notifications (via pop-ups) simply aren't working. cc/ @digmed -
A Former User last edited by
They might have just turned the notifications off for fun on the 1st April.
A Former User last edited by
I think they're broken for many months.
I have 84 notifications according to my dashboard's profile button. I can't access them anywhere.
A Former User last edited by
Nah, right now I came here because I'd got one.
And this time it was quick (unless I got the previous one).