What is your Weather? :)
s390g last edited by
"cold area" I mean as it is here in winter - frozen and snow. I see your climate is very similar to here in northern Wisconsin, "humid continental climate". Today is abnormally warm for winter:Jan 24, 2015 - 10:53 AM EST / 2015.01.24 1553 UTC
Wind: from the W (280 degrees) at 8 MPH (7 KT):0
Visibility: 10 mile(s):0
Sky conditions: overcast
Temperature: 34.0 F (1.1 C) -
A Former User last edited by
About -6 to -7 °C. Quite clear and feels like cooling for the night.
The forecast though says it's a thaw expected soon - like +5 and rain on Saturday.:yuck:(: And a report from Chicagoland @mjmsprt40's: he said it looked like show was on its way.
ryszard last edited by
Ostatnia aktualizacja: 01 II 2015; 18:00:00
pozycja: 21° 27' 16.62" E, 49° 44' 41.58" NTemperatura: -1.6 °C
Wilgotność: 94.4 %
Ciśnienie Atmosferyczne: 967.4 hPa
Siła wiatru: 0.1 m/s
Kierunek wiatru: 301.1 °
Opady deszczu: 0 mm -
A Former User last edited by
Last night it was like raining and/or thawing outside. Today I went out, it was slippery, +something Celsius, quite windy and felt wet - so it felt like much colder (as usual in such conditions).
Mike from Chicagoland reports there are blizzards being forecast, and stuff. (He's supposed to go on a MISSION
s390g last edited by
It is back to very cold here again:
Lat: 45.63 N Lon: 89.47 W Elev: 1663 ft Last Update: 02/02/15, 07:53 AM CST Weather: Fair Temperature: -9°F **(-23°C)** Humidity: 82 % Wind Speed: W 6 MPH
A Former User last edited by
Bright and sunny today.
-7°C now.I'm helled again, right? Surprisingly not*:-D*
A Former User last edited by
Windy, wintry.
We were forecast for these three days.The wind is really moOving...:woo:
A Former User last edited by
About -3°C here or cooler, but sunny.
Very sunny today. No much wind detectable. -
A Former User last edited by
Mike was going to a second night trip last night - I'm concerned if he's fine... Your weather service(s) warned about this thing in the East.
A Former User last edited by
Around 0°C here. The sky is clear with a herd of light white stripe-like broken clouds in the north-west quadrant above...
Helling Machine, don't even think about it!
You'd better learn English there!
s390g last edited by
Lat: 45.63 Lon: -89.47 Elev: 1663 ft (506 meters)
Last Update: 02/19/15, 07:53 AM CST
Temperature: -18°F (-28°C)
Deleted User last edited by
Y'all don't like that it's cold in Chicago? Two posts struck down......
I'm no big fan of the bitter cold either, but getting moderated twice in one day for reporting it is a bit much.