Performance: HTML5 x Pepper Flash Player
joegd21 last edited by
Mine is even slower... Respectively: Intel Core 2 Duo ~1.86 GHz, 2 GB of RAM, integrated graphics card with 256 MB (Yup, this computer is not for gaming).
A Former User last edited by
Maybe HTML5 is not exploring your video card's hardware acceleration.
This is worth a bug report, unless you find info on your card's model or drivers being blocked for some reason by Chromium or Windows.
Deleted User last edited by
I put my video driver to focus on performance insted of quality, I will see what I get.
EDIT: It is the samething. Can you report it for me?
freechelmi last edited by
Hi I have the same problem on linux 64 bits.
Even if the about:gpu says everything is accelerated ( decode/encode and compositing ) , it's not
Deleted User last edited by
Does opera:gpu says that hardware acceleration is being used ?
Yes, it says.
Deleted User last edited by
Does opera:gpu says that hardware acceleration is being used ?
Check what I got in opera:gpu, @leocg:
Deleted User last edited by
The problem persists in Opera 27, can someone report this please?
I reported as DNA-33315