Which is the best version of Opera (EXCLUDING anything past 12.17) and why??
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
I've seen a feature request for a side panel with a possibility to display extensions content, but opera devs don't care,
Well, as the name says, a feature request is just a request. And, like all of them, can be denied or postponed to a distant future.
Adding or change something is not that simple and lots of factors needs to be take into consideration before a decision is made.
A Former User last edited by
Black, I said "pre-".
Why did I stay on that "pre-64"? Why did I stay on something at all?Well, there were reasons. The reasons derived from - or rather originated in my approach to any upgrading at all: using the forums - as lots of other people - I tried to grasp if any updates could be inappropriate for me in certain ways, like losing features, etc.
When we'd got 11, I remember that 10 started to become obsolete, because with the upgrade nothing essential got lost and internet browsing was improved and sites rendering updated to the demands of the moment. I kept tracking people's feedback - saw 12 receive some user criticisms: sometimes bugs, loss of features...
I didn't ever care about mail clients and password manages, by the way - simple: keep the stuff in your head and watch your back.Pesala said he was using 11.64, yes, but you remember wrong - voice had been discussed to have got lost exactly with this 63-64 transition.
Well, I don't used voice - never did. But why should I have lost it? Versus what?
There's a queer law - variation of Murphy's one: if you lose something you have never needed - you'll need it the very next day.
Well, I could've tried a .64, but I couldn't see any reason to. -
kroppy last edited by
Moreover, even if they have decided to not add panels ever, that doesn't mean they don't care, it simply means they don't agree that it's important enough to the user base which they're trying to successfully target with their finite design resources.
So why nobody responds to those posts?
I've seen a feature request for a side panel with a possibility to display extensions content
I posted that suggestion
here on forum, and few times on Desktop blog.
And to stay on topic, I've used version 9, after which I started using Mozilla (now Seamonkey). Then I went back to Opera (already 12), so I don't remember what exactly changed. And I still use Opera 12.16 and I use it just for tabs stacking which I miss so much in new blink Opera.
kroppy last edited by
What is that tabs stacking and why?
Wait what? Are you serious? You don't know what it is?
A Former User last edited by
No YouTube - I'm always listening to the radio (online).
You don't know what it is?
Nope. I'm with 11.63 (as it showed last time I checked).
blackbird71 last edited by
Moreover, even if they have decided to not add panels ever, that doesn't mean they don't care, it simply means they don't agree that it's important enough to the user base which they're trying to successfully target with their finite design resources.
So why nobody responds to those posts?
I've seen a feature request for a side panel with a possibility to display extensions content
I posted that suggestion here on forum, and few times on Desktop blog. ...
A lot of posts in these forums (and user comments in the Dev Blogs) don't generate a specific developer response. Opera has historically been rather silent about responding to specific suggestions, whether they eventually include them or not. Moreover, if the devs happen to disagree with your view of the importance of a given suggestion, to respond in that way would almost certainly cause more "hate & discontent" than simply saying nothing... an opinion that's based on quite a few such examples I've noted here and at the MyOpera forum over the years. We users are often a very contentious lot...
kroppy last edited by
Nope. I'm with 11.63 (as it showed last time I checked).
I will explain in words; When you drag one tab to another, it creates a group, next one you drag to it, adds to that group. Groups can be expanded and collapsed. That's it.
Btw, the another awesome way to manage tabs in Opera 12 is a "windows" panel, which is great for widescreens. I use it at work where I have 2 screens
stng last edited by
I will explain in words; When you drag one tab to another, it creates a group, next one you drag to it, adds to that group. Groups can be expanded and collapsed. That's it.
I've found this feature utterly annoying in the page bar (obstructive when moving tabs). And the Desktop Team didn't added opera:config's option to disable tab stacking :down: .
But TS is very useful in the "Windows" sidebar panel.
kroppy last edited by
If you usually keep around 10 tabs open then you don't need it. I usually keep around 30-50 tabs open and I usually group them by a research topic. I'm graphics designer, so I very often search for a lot of (cars/furniture/nature) reference images and I tend to open them in new tabs to save/examinate and so on, later.
kroppy last edited by
But TS is very useful in the "Windows" sidebar panel.
Yup, it creates you a tree which is very, very! comfy
You can collapse groups if you have a lot of them
PS. LOL, another thread about Tab stacking opened just a few minutes ago, just when I've started to talk about it.
A Former User last edited by
Ah, there was "Sessions"!
You reminded me about it by all this stab tacking - one could use windows and sessions to handle large groups of pages, especially when you don't need them all at once -
noodles7 last edited by
people like leushino just peace me off (he hijacks everyones threads, breaking rule 5 of this forum)
I understand you perfectly. I got the same feeling.
I also use stacking, it is a power feature for organisation.
For Windows TS I use full panel because there are lot of web documents with long title which doesn't fit well in a small side-panel and I don't like my panel use half of my screen.For going back to topic, if I remember correctly, 12.02 is last 12 version supporting Unite.
falloutboy09 last edited by
Ah, there was "Sessions"!
You reminded me about it by all this stab tacking - one could use windows and sessions to handle large groups of pages, especially when you don't need them all at onceAnd now imagine sessions with sorted groups of opened tabs in them.
and voila u got a normal day in my past days (Opera 11)But indeed the option to save actual sessions was extremely helpful as I was looking for new job or researching something particular.
Oh and a feature I miss is that ... if you write something in a Forum answer box, and accidentally close the tab, or press back, and come back to the answer box - what you typed is gone.
This was killing me for weeks while using 24 Opera, as I was so used to switch back and forth and keep on writing.Feature: The Wand
Ahh having multiple logins for a page, most of them just different by the last digit. Just hit ctrl+enter, hit the down key a few times, hit enter, you're logged in.
That is something I was sooooo used to, and I am so used to Opera handling my accounts that hoping on 24 was really a bad day. Heck I couldn't remember most of the login dataAs since the dawn of time, Opera knew all about them
So yes, the old listing of accounts in the Wand - that was really practical.
As I previously sad, for me it is not really bound to a specific version, it is more about the whole package that Presto Opera offered. Till they dropped Opera Unite, that day I didn't update anymore.
lusht last edited by
Same, I stick with 12.14 while it is still possible.
Yes, it is slow as hell now on new pages loaded with lots of bull.
Yes, no full support of HTML5 and html5 video/streaming.But the features of old good Opera outweigh disadvantages.
if only Opera devs would realize that nobody really cares about another Chrome clone... oh well.
Deleted User last edited by
Why would you think that the devs don't care?f Is it just because they don't happen to be turning Opera Blink back into Opera Presto? To say that "no one cares about another Chrome clone" is patently false for the simple reason that Opera Blink is not a Chrome clone. I love the new browser and many others do as well. Another thread was started recently titled Paying My Respects so there are others posting here besides complainers. No doubt I'll be labelled as high-jacking this thread since I'm posting a contrary view but that is my privilege. I stand by Opera's new direction and encourage them to keep on the same path. Ultimately Opera will experience success as other... new users discover it. Sticking with an older browser which is a security risk (12.14 needs to be patched) is taking an unnecessary risk and saying that its features outweigh how slowly web pages load is ridiculous. A browser that can't load pages reasonably fast and stumbles on the most popular websites is not a browser that most would choose. Ergo: Opera Presto is dead. Deal with it.
Deleted User last edited by
Sorry, Leo. I should have known better. You're quite right in your suggestion.