What is wrong with Opera?
A Former User last edited by admin
restore previous session
import bookmarks
Possible in more than 1 way.
speed dial does not let you change the dial image
Manually editing the db (not hard) is possible.
https://forums.opera.com/post/41282 -
spynylcracka last edited by
Wow, I have used Opera for years but this is the last straw. Offering workarounds to features that should be basic browser functions is so lame. A new user of Opera is not going to waste their time with this silly browser. I will just uninstall Opera and stick to Firefox and Chrome at least they both have basic browser functions and don't criticize their users for pointing out obvious flaws with their browser. Opera used to be a great browser now it's just a mess and the developers don't want to hear complaints so they just bash their users. You will not get very far with your attitude and your browser is going to be an epic failure. Good luck. Maybe I will try Opera in a year or two but right now it is not worth my time.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
I should not have to make a special speed dial folder that is the stupidest thing I"ve ever heard of.
Nothing so much different of Opera Presto except that on Presto you call the Session from a Menu.
Every browser out there has restore tabs
You mean closed tabs? If so Menu > Recently Closed.
or restore session
Only on FF i could see a "Restore Previous Session" option. There is nothing like this on Chrome or IE.
spynylcracka last edited by
Internet Explorer: Tools>Reopen last browsing session
Firefox: History>Restore previous session
Chrome: Recent tabs>4 tabs or what ever your # of tabs were
Opera: Recently Closed is always empty when you open OperaI am not trying to be rude. I really loved using Opera over the years but now it is just changing so much that it is not even Opera anymore. You say you can import bookmarks but you can not at least not from another browser and that is the first thing a new user does is import their bookmarks. I really want to use Opera but it is going in the wrong direction. People want to be able to customize their browser to fit their needs. Customization is what made Opera great but that is gone. If Opera is going to be successful then it should have built in basic features that a new user doesn't have to go searching through forums to find.
linuxmint7 last edited by
Customisation and basic features are two completely different things.
The ability to import (from other browsers) and manage bookmarks are gradually being added to Opera (see the answer to this question you posed, in another thread about Opera 25 Dev becoming stable).
As for opening previous sessions in Opera using the Speed dial (Start page), they work in pretty much the same way as other current browsers, but are displayed differently and do need some intervention from the user to actually save them in the first place.
As for Opera's ability to open closed tabs from the 'Recently closed' menu between browser sessions or a completely new session, that has never been possible, even in the old Presto version of Opera. The 'Recently closed' menu is always cleared on closing Opera.
A Former User last edited by
the developers don't want to hear complaints so they just bash their users.
I don't see any developer doing that. Cut the BS.
Like linuxmint7 said a "restore previous session" command (bar the start-up setting) was never present in Opera 12 either. Customizing the Speed Dial thumbnails was never possible without third-party software or extension or manual edit of the files in the profile, either - and it's not available in other browsers.
You say you can import bookmarks but you can not at least not from another browser and that is the first thing a new user does is import their bookmarks.
Search for it in the web like "import bookmarks from x_browser site:forums.opera.com". It's possible.
I agree the currently available procedures aren't optimal for new users but whatever. -
A Former User last edited by
Maybe they should've put something about such importing on opera://help or something...:left:
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
Internet Explorer: Tools>Reopen last browsing session
Well, you first need to enable the menu.
I think it is more useful on other browsers in which you can close the whole browser by mistake if you close the last tab.
hrome: Recent tabs>4 tabs or what ever your # of tabs
Here it's empty.
Btw, such feature would be useful fro what? Besides maybe in case of a crash, i really don't see anything for such feature to be considered basic or even top priority.
You say you can import bookmarks but you can not at least not from another browser and that is the first thing a new user does is import their bookmarks.
Afaik Opera imports from the default browser. Or will do it at least.
And talking about bookmarks, i think that it's more than the time to get rid of that 1990's bookmarking style and move something more dynamic.
People want to be able to customize their browser to fit their needs.
I think peolpe nowadays wants simplicity more than any other thing.
horscht86 last edited by
All I ever hear is "they are planning to add <insert-feature-that-exists-in-12.17> in the future".
As a person that has been using and opera for I-can't-remember-how-long this is simply not satistfying. At this point I am pretty much done with Opera because the over 12 months old 12.17 is simply no longer usable on the web (lots of sites completely broken/unusable) and 15+ (24/25 currently) simply not being ready to replace. So for now I might as well switch top chrome. It's not a good browser, but it's the least horrible one.
Here's a few issues I have with the Opera 15+ releases that, unless the Opera team is going to fix these in the NEAR future (I am talking next release, they had ~10 releases to fix these by now) Opera has finally lost me. And they will loose a lot more of their old userbase, as these are complains I can hear (and by that I actually mean "read") quite often:
Proper bookmarks support. I know 24 finally introduced bookmarks and 25 will introduce the long overdue bookmark manager, but there is still no proper way to actually access them appart from the stupid bookmark bar that takes valuable vertical screen estate away from browsing. Which brings me to my next point.
The above point wouldn't be as big if custom buttons (customizable toolbar) was brought back. That would allow us to add a small button next to the addressbar (since modern systems have plenty of horizontal screen estate) that would give us quick access to the bookmarks without adding a stupid bar under the url bar.
Opera Link. This has been non-functional (i.e. broken) since version 15 with the written promise that Opera is working on bringing it back. But they apparently don't. Now, often you'll read the argument "oh, so just add <insert-extension-here> and you'll have it back. Why would I choose Opera over Chrome (which are the same engine) if I have to rely on a third party extension for a feature that Chrome has built in?
Session management. Why did you remove that? It was one of the best features ever to be implemented in Opera and no browser to this day has even come close to matching it. Now, I know that there's also a (chrome) extension to add something similar back, but the above point still applies here. Why would I chose Opera over Chrome if chrome has better features and can use the same plugin?
A Former User last edited by
I have 3 different browsers in use, out of approximately 4½ present, and I wouldn't say anybody loses me.
And by the way, what would they lose? Did I pay any money? Am I gonna to? :rolleyes: -
horscht86 last edited by
I have 3 different browsers in use, out of approximately 4½ present, and I wouldn't say anybody loses me.
And by the way, what would they lose? Did I pay any money? Am I gonna to?Your Data
EDIT: and their revenue stream they get from search engine hits.
A Former User last edited by
I wouldn't say anybody loses me.
And by the way, what would they lose? Did I pay any money? Am I gonna to?Your Data
Unfortunate comment... What data? Opera doesn't collect any meaningful data.
http://www.opera.com/privacyA correct answer is they lose you in the users count so the revenue from partners that pay to become default search engines and Speed Dial entries would be lower as they'd consider Opera less worthy.
horscht86 last edited by
I wouldn't say anybody loses me. And by the way, what would they lose? Did I pay any money? Am I gonna to?
Your Data
Unfortunate comment... What data? Opera doesn't collect any meaningful data.
A correct answer is they lose you in the users count so the revenue from partners that pay to become default search engines and Speed Dial entries would be lower as they'd consider Opera less worthy.While I edited this already (previous to your reply, mind you), that's actually straying from the point I was trying to make.
I was merely pointing out in (what I feel to be was) a constructive manner what I do not like about the current state of the Opera browser and what is needed for it to be improved.Since there's practically no useful communication from Opera to its users (apart from the obligatory "soon" or "we're working to bring <feature> in an upcoming releas") I just felt that I needed to somehow try and bring my concerns to a place were at least someone from Opera might stumble upon.
To re-itterate:
I am no complaining about the presto rendering engine being gone. In fact, I "don't care" (tm, patent pending) about the rendering engine being used, I care about usability.
Privacy, monetization questions are also not what I am concerned about.
I am concerned about Opera leaving it's old userbase in the dust with a 14 month old, broken browser and simplyfiying (sp?) their new release so much that their old userbase can or will not use it while trying to acquire a new userbase that is already content with other browsers (IE, Chrome, Firefox, Safari to name the big 4), all of which offer the same or even more features and one of which is basically the same browser, only that opera crosses out the name "Chrome" and writes "Opera" in in crayon and removes a few features along the way. They can't really compete with that.
So unless Opera gets its act together and tries to win back their old userbase (most of which are still using Opera 12.17), more and more of them will finally be forced to abandon Opera and Operas new userbase will be considerably smaller up to the point they can't sustain their business model anymore.
blackbird71 last edited by
People want to be able to customize their browser to fit their needs.
I think peolpe nowadays wants simplicity more than any other thing.
The problem is that both kinds of people actually exist... and they don't see eye to eye on this. Those wanting customizability argue that such customization controls can be made included, but made optional for those wanting simplicity. Those wanting simplicity argue that adding the configuration controls detracts the designers from doing other things. I'm not sure this debate will ever be resolved, at least in principle.
prometheus-za last edited by
And talking about bookmarks, i think that it's more than the time to get rid of that 1990's bookmarking style and move something more dynamic.
And what would that be oh great one? Bookmarks have been with us for over two decades because they simply work. They don't clutter up the user space but are there when you need them. Nobody has been able to come up with a better solution. Ironic that the people arguing for simplicity now want to introduce even more complex solutions proving that even they can't go without the features and customisation of the old Opera.
I can't believe some are still so blind to the obvious issues, or perhaps just choose to be in order not to admit fault. Anybody still claiming that the new chrome clone is a good browser or on the right track is seriously out of touch with reality. It can't even get the basic functions right.
Open more than 20 tabs and it keeps crashing some of them or even the whole browser. I understand multi-threading but it doesn't inherently make your app more stable and you don't need to literally create a whole separate process for each tab to use it. That is flawed design and it's just the tip of the iceberg. Other issue are:
- The new design completely removes the title bar so web page titles have to be viewed from the taskbar.
- Opening it non maximised leaves an ugly fat window border no matter if border padding is set to 0 like mine or to something humongous. It doesn't respect system settings like even a basic "hello world" program does.
- It gets even worse. There's no option to right click open in the current tab meaning you either have to invoke the on-click javascript or open in a new (background by default) tab. The old Opera had all 3 options.
- Opening an image in the current tab is no longer there. Only the option to open in a new (again background by default) tab. So you have to manually close the parent tab same as with above.
- Speaking of images it seems to act like they don't exist or are unimportant. A lot of them don't render and there's no option to reload them by right clicking. So much for the sophisticated rendering engine that for me have also failed where the old Opera's simply works.
- And on the subject of tabs, besides that they open in the background so you have to manually navigate to them, there appears to be no consistent opening sequence. Some gets opened next to the active one while others get lined up next to it or even worse gets appended to the end. Probably why they removed the option to select this as they can't seem to get the behaviour right.
There's simply too many problems and inconsistencies to list. I called it an app before not by mistake but because that's exactly what it is. This is not the Opera browser, it's a port of a mobile app. All the telltale signs are there. Try telling anyone with a straight face they aren't. Yeah right...
nin13 last edited by
I think its up to Opera developers path it wants to choose. But I will just say.
I have been using Opera for long time, almost a decade. And other options were there at that time too. I mean Firefox, IE and Safari.
But what made Opera unique was it included notes, manageable bookmarks (I mean u can make folder inside folder), feeds, torrent support and opera sync. Than they added Speed dial. So it made user have all features at one place.
Now what happens is they have a browser just like Chrome without all these features. Plus Chrome has addition support for Google account and apps on homepage.
OPERA IS LOSING ITS UNIQUENESS. By being similar to other browsers you will not get much.
Anyway Opera 24 and 25 could not even import html file of my bookmarks exported from Opera 12. Guess what Chrome did. It synced my html file. Now all bookmarks are saved on chrome
And feeds are there on 'feedly'. and notes on 'evernote'.Worst thing is there is no sync on Opera mobile and Opera mini for android either. They just open link to opera sync page.
Now Chrome can sync via google account to mobile and desktop and I don't have to remember Opera ID and password too.
Guess who lost?I still love opera, my first browser love.
Yes of course I can use Opera 12. I don't care about few millisecond difference made by browsers. But guess who is missing important security updates which are very important nowadays in era of Social media and Internet banking.
linuxmint7 last edited by
Yes of course I can use Opera 12. I don't care about few millisecond difference made by browsers. But guess who is missing important security updates which are very important nowadays in era of Social media and Internet banking.
Not Opera 12.x, 12.17 was a security update that was released not too long ago (end of April if I remember correctly). And Opera ASA has mentioned that they may continue to release security updates (patches ?) if and when they are needed, possibly until they deem Opera (Blink) ready for prime time. By which time, they may offer Opera (Blink) as a direct update/upgrade for Opera (Presto).
But we shall have to wait and see.
blackbird71 last edited by
... 12.17 was a security update that was released not too long ago (end of April if I remember correctly).
Your memory is correct: 4/23/14 was the release date for 12.17.
prometheus-za last edited by
I think its up to Opera developers path it wants to choose. But I will just say.
It is. The main problem here is that their response so far has been neither here nor there, not saying that the features are gone for good but also not saying that they will eventually return. As users we deserve as much as a proper response at least.