History of Opera Browser
A Former User last edited by
I thought I'd see a treatise:DO'k..
In the beginning, there was Word, and the Word was by Windows...
Uhm. No?:) -
linuxmint7 last edited by
No!, In the beginning there was a rather large woman, She used to walk through a very beautiful garden during the spring time. She had a very powerful voice and loved to sing Opera.
A Former User last edited by
Mercury was used by her, to get promoted.
Now we can only see Freddy on Fridays (which were actually named after him, and there were also established commemoration days - after when God created the amplifier: we all know about a week's creation, but after the first week came the second, and there was Mannday, Chewsday, Whensday, Thirstday... now see? The actual Creation week starts with Sunday (named after a newspaper), so the second Freiddey was exactly the 13th:).
linuxmint7 last edited by
Hell was not created in the beginning. It took quite a few more days before hell became a reality. The source for its creation was because Freddy's evil twin was jealous of his brothers very powerful amplifier. He did not have one of his own, all he had was a pair of mini headphones, which were not powerful enough to listen to Opera.
Deleted User last edited by
Can someone tell me how it was the last years of Opera Presto before the first release of Opera Blink?
What do you want to know?
http://www.opera.com/docs/history/presto/What were the problems with Opera Presto? I saw on another topic that it was getting hard to add features like hardware acceleration.
Deleted User last edited by
You can take seriously this topic please?
I did not mean to offend anyone.
A Former User last edited by admin
The confusion continues...:wait:
They should've given the new browser a different name - like Mozilla did.
What could it be? "Opera WaterMouse"?
Or, as its folder usually has the name "Opera Stable" - then something with horses, right?:idea: What about "Opera (Air)Stallion"? -
linuxmint7 last edited by
The confusion continues...
I'm not confused, I just haven't taken my medication yet.
should have ?.
As for a name for nu?Opera, to differentiate it from the old (dead ?) version of Presto Opera. What about Blopera (Blink and Opera combined) ?, or Opera Reborn (OR) ?, or Super Fast, Exceptionally Slim, Bang Upto Date, Modern Opera (or SFESBuDMO for short) ?.
I like the last one, it's quite catchy, if you say it enough.
A Former User last edited by
It is not useless - it is not used.
If we had (or when we have) a pretty bit more people posting in this Lounge... -
Deleted User last edited by
It is useless because it is totally off the topic simce the first reply. Please, close it.
A Former User last edited by
"Useless" is the wrong word then anyway.
Have you ever invited your friends here to the Lounge?
I have!:party: :wizard: :drunk: -
Deleted User last edited by
No one took this thread seriously, now I know the history of Opera before Blink because I talked to a mod in Facebook I don't need this thread. Josh, you didn't take this thread seriously, why you want it now? Some moderator, close this thread please.