Opera Mini 8.0.5 for iOS [update]
irrahe last edited by
What happened to support for RSS feeds?
I go to my feed://list// link, I get an error "Client doesn't support feeds."
How can this be? The RSS reader bout in to Opera mini goes back almost to the beginning. -
xynthee last edited by
Is there any way to keep web pages from constantly refreshing? If I can't find a workaround for this, I'm going to have to uninstall; it's useless to me like this. I like to open 20-30 tabs before I get on the train, then I read them at my leisure. Now I have to have an active connection to open a page AND I have to wait 45 seconds or more for a page to load. I have to find a way to fix this or revert to the earlier version. Please help! Candy Crush is not an acceptable substitute for being able to read the news during my commute.
Deleted User last edited by
Oh No Opera why did you ditched your users who are stuck at iOS 4.2.1 due to Apple's Greed. First it was the desktop browser now it's Mini
Disappointed to see iOS 4.2.1 support is dropped.
isgaka last edited by
what the hell happened to the single column option.. that was immense, and made reading certain websites a breeze, without having to zoom in etc to adjust the page.
nice new UI, but overall a poor effort by leaving out certain things which made Opera Mini a great browser.
jmwking last edited by
I've upgraded and have been playing a bit. I'm a little confused between "Mini" mode and "Turbo" mode. As best I can figure it, Mini mode uses the proxy servers while Turbo mode renders directly in the device.
However, there are some differences beyond that:
When I select Mini, the font is much smaller than when I select "Turbo". No idea why.
In Mini mode, I have access to the (now sadly reduced) opera:config options. In Turbo, I don't. Are there any configuration options for Turbo?
In Mini mode I can't seem to save passwords anymore.
In Turbo mode, opening a link with a page anchor (mostly to jump to a new post on a forum) doesn't work - or at least it doesn't seem to work properly in vBulletin boards.
I've been using Mini for ages - first on my BB, and for the last few years on my iphone. I see a few big drawbacks to the new release:
-control text size; it's a little too small now
-save passwords on request (it seems to in Turbo, but not Mini)
-get single column view back; though I rarely use it, when I need it it's fantastic
-cache pages without refresh; the frequent reload is really annoying, especially in forums where it reloads and makes me lose my place
cbusguy26 last edited by
Opera is a very good product but literally the main reason I chose to use it on our office ipads was for the ability to change the font size (not available on safari or chrome for ios). I have a presentation where I'm introducing these ipads in 3 hours and I'm just a tad bit annoyed that the font is not adjustable anymore. For the very specific purpose I'm using these ipads the font being large is essential. I realize I'm a unique case and a victim of bad timeing but please consider adding this functionality back.
thanks you
mik147 last edited by
bring back font size and text wrap, this is the only reason why I was finding Opera mini better than the other browsers
why did you remove it?
i have been losing a huge amount of time reading faq and trying to find it in the new settings menu, just to find out it was removed without telling anybody about it
norimolly3 last edited by
Guys, if you still wanna see the glory days of Opera Mini 7 - the text wrapping, font size changing option, and other goodies, DITCH the latest then search and download "YANDEX OPERA MINI". Still on the App Store. PROBLEM SOLVED, EH?;) This safari-like Opera Mini 8 is USELESS unless you bring back those useful options! Reinstalling the Single column view option is NOT enough!
rmalicki44 last edited by
I have used opera mini on my iPhone for the past couple of years for work saving pages under different file names, since the new Opera update, all of my old saved pages are still there, but have all lost their file names so I can't tell what page is what...
Is there anyway of getting the old file names back and saving new file names for future saved pages? Or is there a way I can get the old opera version back? I just don't like the layout of this and I only use it for the saved pages!
Any help much appreciated!
uapprideque last edited by
Few problems:
- No text wrap
- Sometimes I just want to scroll the page but Opera thought I did a double tap and hold to zoom in and zoom out of the page. It's very annoying.
Other than that, I'm pretty happy with the new Opera mini.
mbaluta last edited by
Thanks everyone for reporting the problems, we will work hard to improve our browser even more. If you ever encounter any problems, please report them on https://mini.bugs.opera.com - they go directly to our team. Now some responses:
Now here's a bug, I think. When you're on a website and want to add it to the Speed Dial, the 8 squares to the right of the Address Bar isn't working (at least for me). However, I can still get the site to the Speed Dial, but only by clicking on the Opera logo all the way to the top right, and choosing "Add to Speed Dial."
@lem729, This icon is supposed to take you to the Speed Dial page and the only way to add a page to Speed Dial is to open main menu and choose "Add to Speed Dial" as you already do.
Hi! The new update is great. But I found a problem with YouTube in Opera Turbo mode and saving of data. In any of these modes I could play any video from YouTube, only shows black screen. What someone has been the same?
Greetings!@deuzzy, It should work without any problems, but if you still have a problem please fill a bug report on https://mini.bugs.opera.com - tell us what is your device and country.
How can i save password to access to sites, without writing them every time? kind regards
@albone61, There is a password manager in new Opera Mini. If for some reason it doesn't work for you, please fill a bug report on https://mini.bugs.opera.com - please include a website where the problem exists and browser mode you use.
what the hell happened to the single column option
@isgaka, Single column view is now added back in version 8.0.1.
In Mini mode, I have access to the (now sadly reduced) opera:config options. In Turbo, I don't. Are there any configuration options for Turbo?
@jmwking, Yes, you can go to Data Savings menu, tap Advanced Settings... and choose image quality. What other options would you expect?
In Mini mode I can't seem to save passwords anymore.
In Turbo mode, opening a link with a page anchor (mostly to jump to a new post on a forum) doesn't work - or at least it doesn't seem to work properly in vBulletin boards.
Please fill a bug report form for both issues on https://mini.bugs.opera.com with details such as website on which you have problems.
get single column view back; though I rarely use it, when I need it it's fantastic
Single column view is now back in version 8.0.1.
dsunmade last edited by
Using version 8.0.2 on my iPad mini, I can't get the "discover" page to open articles in the background. I think it will be a great feature if long-pressing an article gives options e.g. "Open in background", "open" and "open in new page".
ravindran2454 last edited by
Good One. I will let the developers know about this. Thanks for reporting.
skadholm last edited by
Hi Opera - good you are listening to input from the forum.
On 27 June I wrote: "Besides the data compression feature of Opera Mini I really like the: "Single Column View" + "Text wrapping" + "Zoom" This really improves the reading of websites on small phone screens. All 3 features are missing in version 8.0 which is very surprising to me."
So I understand Single Column View is now done ?
What about the Zoom feature where a user can set a fixed zoom percentage 75% 100% 125% 150% 175% 200% - this was another unique Opera Mini feature that disappeared with version 8.When will you bring back ?
tenshin111 last edited by
Hi Opera - good you are listening to input from the forum.
On 27 June I wrote: "Besides the data compression feature of Opera Mini I really like the: "Single Column View" + "Text wrapping" + "Zoom" This really improves the reading of websites on small phone screens. All 3 features are missing in version 8.0 which is very surprising to me."
So I understand Single Column View is now done ?
What about the Zoom feature where a user can set a fixed zoom percentage 75% 100% 125% 150% 175% 200% - this was another unique Opera Mini feature that disappeared with version 8.
When will you bring back ?It's there in version 8.0.2. Select "Opera Mini" for your Data Savings mode, open Advanced Settings and there you go
mbaluta last edited by
@smgentry, @skadholm, @norimolly3, text wrapping, single column view and text zoom are now included in 8.0.2 version. Please update and enjoy:)
nolniz last edited by
Now using opera mini 8.0.3 for iOS as i've update it today... Work smooth now and waiting for that night mode feature to be included..!!
r6680jc last edited by
Please add option to disable the "Discover" feature. It's prone to accidentally swipe to the "Discover" tab, it's not an issue at normal usage, but when set to opera mini data saving mode, people want to save data as much as possible (for whatever reason), so accidentally swipping to the "Discover" tab is defeating the purpose of using opera mini data saving mode.
I myself really like the Discover feature most of the time, but I hate it so much when accidentally swippping to it when on roaming.Thanks.