What is your Weather? :)
A Former User last edited by
Do you know what is some "dew point" for in some weather reports/forecasts? I can't see what influence it makes on our weather perception, if any.
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
It is a way to measure humidity. More precisely, it is the temperature that an object would have to be for water to condense on it. However, by looking at the partial pressure of water at that temperature versus at your actual temperature you can determine relative humidity. (Usually dew point is measured by a "wet bulb thermometer", but I'm sure Wikipedia must have an article about it.)
Of course, if the air temperature drops below the "dew point", you will get dew.
A Former User last edited by
So, they use it in place of those per cent?
I guess it could be deemed more universal - as relative per cent humidity can't be shown higher than 100. -
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
Dew point will not remain above air temperature for long.
From my current conditions:
Heat Index 77 °F
Dew Point 66 °F
Humidity 71%Heat index is a combination of temperature (currently 76F) and humidity to tell you how hot it feels. These days they also sometimes combine temperature, humidity and wind to get a "real" temperature (instead of having wind chill in winter and heat index in summer).
A Former User last edited by
That won't be an actual temperature, will it?
For whom is it done? For people who can't figure things by themselves using given data?Went out early - feeling fine such a way. It's still the moderate spell with highs around 20°C.
Sunny with a few fine clouds dwelling lightly. Light wind. -
A Former User last edited by
Either it's raining or has been raining - I can't clearly tell out of the window. Overcast, seems a bit chillying.
A Former User last edited by
It seems like raining or about to outside.
Inside, it was also 'raining' just now - with a smooth of soap, in the bathroom.Yeah, it's windy outside and seems something (I can't clearly see for my window's dewed a lot
A Former User last edited by
That was not very much of a thunderstorm: the thunder stroke that only once that I heard; and the shower was short enough.
A Former User last edited by
It seems that it's been ** rainy today. Intermittent showers do you call that?
A Former User last edited by
The air is a bit movie outside. Temps have temporarily climbed to comfortable (up to & around 20C is promised for a couple'a days).
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That's gross:irked: How am I supposed to chat with folks here?:very:
A Former User last edited by
Raining again. This morning through afternoon it was dry.
Nobody knows for sure what temperature it is now: one therm. is showing +15°C (several minutes ago it was +17°), others - more than +18. -
A Former User last edited by
+14°C, maybe 13; raining...
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Gosh! When will it end in the Lounge!? -
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
You have posted 2 times within 120 seconds. A spam block is now in effect on your account. You must wait at least 600 seconds before attempting to post again.
That's gross:irked: How am I supposed to chat with folks here?:
You aren't as this is a forum and not a chat service. There is a #louge channel on the irc server for those who want to chat.
A Former User last edited by admin
"Mode=like"?:tuttut: I'm not yet aware about that whatever to 'mode=like' it.:)~ -
A Former User last edited by
In my Firefox 3.6, hitting the quote thingy doesn't quote anything (the whole post, I mean -- without selecting any) nor even place me into the editing area -- but rather scrolls me to the top of the page instead only - and that's it...:zip: