Some Aspects of the Forum in Portuguese Language
Deleted User last edited by 1 May 2014, 01:23
The Portuguese Forum has not a category in which I can post this issue. So within my audacity and clumsy English, as I had promised or threatened, I put it here.
I have commented that I was not receiving by emails, as I had configured for, some species of threads I wanted receive.
Suddenly, Opera started to send me all the threads that are posted in general. Or eight or eighty! Then, I disabled this choice, in face of this, but without results so far . The storm of issues continue flooding my in-box.
Mr Leo and Mr Rafael are very full of energy and Portuguese Forum is not enough for their appetite and capacity and they put and they put commentaries and more commentaries at every places, which demonstrates well their versatilities and general knowledges. Congratulations.
Then, I will conserve the Forum's remittances, as they are, and get profits of these surprising facts that errors of the Forums are giving me. -
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by 1 May 2014, 06:47
I have commented that I was not receiving by emails, as I had configured for, some species of threads I wanted receive.
Email notifications seems to have started working yesterday.
Suddenly, Opera started to send me all the threads that are posted in general. Or eight or eighty! Then, I disabled this choice, in face of this, but without results so far . The storm of issues continue flooding my in-box.
Go to your profile page and click on "edit preferences". How's your settings?
Deleted User last edited by 1 May 2014, 08:13
The following options are choosen: 1-Notify me when people mention me in comments and 2-Notify me when people comment on my starred discussions.
Both were marked to be brought through emails and popups. When I did it, I didn't know what popup meant exactly. Now I know. Dark and ugly little windows interrupt our current reading of the post, without no education.
Now, only popups are marked. Unchecked emails. I think I'm going to remove all. -
Deleted User last edited by 1 May 2014, 08:18
Email notifications seems to have started working yesterday
It seems didn't begin quite well, hehe.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by 1 May 2014, 22:22
I did it, I didn't know what popup meant exactly. Now I know. Dark and ugly little windows interrupt our current reading of the post, without no education.
Now, only popups are marked. Unchecked emails.You should have done the opposite. That way will keep seeing those annoying popus while reading the forum.
Email notifications seems to have started working yesterday
It seems didn't begin quite well, hehe.
WEll, it worked fine for me.
Deleted User last edited by 2 May 2014, 00:36
Thanks for your attention. I am believing that the differences of performances between us is due to difference of operational systems.
By the way, our forum is "at flies". It's a pitty.
Deleted User last edited by 2 May 2014, 03:47
You should have done the opposite. That way will keep seeing those annoying popus while reading the forum.
If I disable popups and if I keep emails, I will set me free from annoying popups and promote the persistent continuation of flooding of emails. What is worst?
Anyway, I gained skill in handle popups, and I learned to leave them go away faster. As for e-mails by now is impossible contain the flooding. Let's stay as is, who knows can be fixed. Meanwhile, I erase almost all that comes. I keep, however, posts from your authory and from Rafa. Always I learn something, in this case.
What else can be done? I was born to suffer... Ai, ai. -
A Former User last edited by 2 May 2014, 05:34
If I disable popups and if I keep emails, I will set me free from annoying popups and promote the persistent continuation of flooding of emails. What is worst?
Why don't you untick all the checkboxes?Suddenly, Opera started to send me all the threads that are posted in general.
That would be caused by "Notify me when people start new discussions" and perhaps "Notify me when people comment on a discussion" (the last couple of options).Are you saying you have those checkboxes unticked and still receive e-mail notifications about every post to the forums?
A Former User last edited by 2 May 2014, 06:10
Why don't you untick all the checkboxes?
I did it,earlier, today. No results, so far.Are you saying you have those checkboxes unticked and still receive e-mail notifications about every post to the forums?
Not less than that. Can I stand it? Yes, I certainly can, but I need know that I was born to suffer and accept. No complaints. Stoically. -
A Former User last edited by 2 May 2014, 06:26
@digmed is it possible for an admin to check his account to solve the issue or something?
digmed last edited by 2 May 2014, 10:49
@quinca71 Sorry about these problems. We enabled emailing a couple days ago, but we might still be having some issues with the email settings for some users. We will look into why you are receiving emails even though you've opted out.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by 2 May 2014, 17:51
That would be caused by "Notify me when people start new discussions" and perhaps "Notify me when people comment on a discussion" (the last couple of options).
I have the first one enabled and, so far, i haven't received any notification about new topics.
Deleted User last edited by 2 May 2014, 19:04
Consciously, I had never enabled these two options. Unless that age and awake nights have actuated. You enabled one of these and don't receive. I didn't and am receiving much beyond my wishes. Let's have patience, all will be fixed. I thank digmed and rafaelluik specially about providences and attention.
Deleted User last edited by 3 May 2014, 01:30
True, nothing is so evil that has not a bit good. In this storm of e-mails, I took acquaintance of many aspects from which never I had had knowledge.
So, when I am going trough the extensive list of subjects rolling in the flood and its contents, sometimes I verify that one or other can be interesting to me.
What, then, do I do? I created, in M2, a new labell (here=rótulo), named "Fórum", send the subject to there, and keep for a later reading.
In Portuguese, we can say: "há males que vêm para o bem". In French: "à quelque chose malheur est bon".
I dont know why, but these last days I am feeling me as a New Orleans. -
A Former User last edited by admin 24 Oct 2017, 09:30 3 May 2014, 04:36
I always visit the forums via the "All discussions" page URL. That way I can see every discussion that's going on since my last visit by checking the list from the last unread thread and up (it includes all languages though).
Deleted User last edited by 3 May 2014, 05:20
I wanted say that this procedure is adopted by me, while the emails' flooding doesn't stop. Then, I am doing as I told in the emails' client, not at a web page.
Did you understand why New Orleans? -
A Former User last edited by 3 May 2014, 06:22
Did you understand why New Orleans?
Not really. Explain. -
Deleted User last edited by 3 May 2014, 07:27
New Orleans was flooded some years ago by Mississippi river or Missouri, I guess, and this was very much highlighted through TV. When emails of Forum started to do the same to me, this was the first remembrance that occurred to me.
Deleted User last edited by 3 May 2014, 08:27
Oh, I, me, myself, when I started to post in English, I thought that
the lenght of my writings would go to diminish drastically, due to the scarceness of vocabulary and practice. Let me turn again to the old and good "Portuga", this is not helping nothing for I talk less.