Bitwarden - Free Password Manager
ameflow last edited by
tengo un problema con la extension de opera, cuando quiero guardar un nuevo registro
o le doy "seleccionar" en la ventana de generacion de contraseñas, no hace nada, al hacer clic se ve que preciona el boton pero ni selecciona la contraseña ni guarda el nuevo registro y me pasa tanto en opera browser como en opera gx -
wsape06 last edited by
Excelente cofre de senhas, extremamente útil para uso em computadores e celulares, além das senhas também é possível guardar notas, cartões de crédito de maneira segura. Só estou sentindo falta de um alerta para troca de senhas em um determinado tempo.
eh1gmdc last edited by
After a few days the text disappears from the extension. I have tried all browsers, and it happens to all of them. Very frustrating. Other than that flaw, it works great.
ycomp last edited by
@canadagoose4everreturns: steve gibson recommends last pass too .. or at least he used to for many years (I stopped watching TWiT because they inject politics into everything)
canadagoose4everreturns last edited by
@ycomp I'm in agreement, particularly from Laporte's insistent mention of politics whenever he sees an opportunity. TWIT is nothing like it once was; a shadow really of its former self.
soruk last edited by
For some time I cannot fill in automatically login / password by clicking on my saved credential in Opera browser. I have to do it manually by selecting / copying data.
Using other browser with extension, it works.
Why it's happenning ? -
soruk last edited by
Thanks for tour reply.
Does it mean that every day there is an update of Opera?I was already using the latest version today. And the extension ws not working correctly. I restarted the browser and it started to work. Strange.
As said in my first post, there was no issue couple weeks ago. -
thebe14 last edited by
Version 2024.10.1 violently flashes the bookmarks bar in Opera One. If I disable this plugin, everything returns to normal.
ss9227 last edited by
Bitwarden przestał wyświetlać pytanie o zapisywanie nowych danych logowania... Mam plan premium.
ss9227 last edited by
@echoz: Kiedyś w planie bezpłatnym nie było możliwości używania YubiKey do logowania się i z tego powodu wybrałem plan premium. W tej chwili można mieć to za darmo, więc została mi tylko możliwość zaglądania do raportów takich jak ujawnione, identyczne albo słabe hasła, więcej korzyści nie widzę.