[Compilation] Discussions on Tab Emojis Feature Feedback
emfsquared last edited by
I am dismayed to see these automatic emojis which can't be disabled. After some years of using Opera, I will be immediately replacing it with something else - Chrome, anything. As a dyslexic person I can't be doing with annoying, distracting additions like that. Totally unacceptable and useless. Is Opera not aware of neurodiversity issues? Lost a long time user.
iwua last edited by leocg
This is not a bad idea in it's core but the execution is awful
Would be a better feature if:- icons looked more profesional - lucide icons for example
- default set of icons were customizable
- feature was moved to tab context menu, not on hover - distracts a lot
- option to save icons state between sessions
- icons wouldn't be tilted (my OCD is through the roof looking at it)
- ability to disable this entirely present in settings
You could focus on tab islands instead - much more useful feature just add:
- names for islands (and emojis if you insist on them)
- customizable colors
pissedoffaboutopera last edited by leocg
Just what I wanted not !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Another useless feature some techie dreamed up.How do I get rid of them???????????
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@pissedoffaboutopera Make sure you have tha latest update (version 111 came out yesterday) and turn them off in Settings. If you're still on 110 then you xan't turn them off.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@rachelw6767 How about reading the topic you are replying to?
AndyAndyAndyAndy last edited by
I'm Opera user since 2008. Some updates were good, some not so good.
But can somebody explain to me why I have to see a sh!t every time I hover any of the tabs? I'm using it for business. I'm using it while eating. I'm using it with my family. Why I have to be show a sh!t every time I hover a tab? WTF?!
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@andyandyandyandy You haven't, you can disable it in settings.
ButterMM last edited by
@leocg - works in newest version [as @sgunhouse mentioned]. Just upgraded and turned off. I have no idea what it has been introduced for..
Emmopera last edited by
This is my opinion on emojis:
I didn't like the idea of emojis in the tabs. Whenever I install Opera again, I disable this function at the beginning. I would prefer to have the option of being able to name them so I can have better organization in my workflow.I hope someone on the development team sees this humble suggestion and takes it forward.