Protect your screen from prying eyes with Panic Button from Opera GX
goobythedooby last edited by
how do i change the hotkey
bc f12 isnt working i think if i changed it might work -
cutetabbycat last edited by leocg
@goobythedooby: To change go to settings, type "Panic Button" into search bar, than at the very bottom tap "Configure Shortcuts" then scrool until you see a highlighted piece of text, stop there, so that you can then change the key.
COOKAONF1RE last edited by
They should have put like they delete your search history on the day you clicked the panic button
BestCodes last edited by
@cookaonf1re You can already do that by pressing
.Hi, I'm Best_codes! I'm a full-stack web dev who moderates on the makeblock forum. I have a website, I love Opera, so I'm on here occasionally to report bugs and answer some questions.
the-fallen-dood last edited by
@txkxhxshi: just go to settings and then change the links, it should be under the switch to activeate/diactivate.