Unable to sync pinboards
auston-ccm last edited by
I can't seem to be able to sync pinboards, when i turn the option on in the settings, nothing happens and when i close and open settings again, it becomes turned off.
I do have bookmarks sync enabled, yet the pindboards still don't sync.I'll be grateful for any advice.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@auston-ccm So you don't see any Pinboards in https://www.sync.opera.com/?
auston-ccm last edited by
@leocg Yeah, it just says 0 pinboards, i have some created, yet when i turn the pinboard sync on in the settings, it turns itself off after refresh.
sailtime last edited by
I have the same problem. I don't see where anyone ever really answered this question.
Turning on sync for pinboards works, but when you bring it back up is turned off.
Any suggestion to get this to work would be appreciated.
jslattery last edited by
I have the same problem. I'm using personalized sync with everything but settings and passwords enabled. I try to enable sync for pinboards, but when the page refreshes, it's turned off again, and no syncing actually occurs.
auston-ccm last edited by
@jslattery tried to solve the problem for about 3 days didnt manage to do so, not even complete reinstall helped. I straight up gave up and started to use "Notebook" by Zoho extension instead. It is a rather useful alternative and sync is without problem.
If you decide to go the same way, note that it does not come in Opera store by default, you have to get it from google chrome web store. Luckily that is possible now even without the Chrome Extensions addon.