MyOpera Mail still working...?
christoph142 last edited by
Well, my.opera-blogs are still working, too. They only said they are closing down 3rd of March. So I wouldn't rely on it anymore. Might be that you're typing a mail but can't send it later on anymore.
digmed last edited by
Hey, I went on and the mail client is still working! Will it stay like this or be removed completely, and when?
Thanks!It will be completely removed within 24 hours. The Mail team is in Australia, and are currently sleeping
noisyandy last edited by
This one still there but gmail cannot connect to it. Perhaps it's possible to copy any emails on there and/or contacts
Deleted User last edited by
I'm just lost a lot of beautiful memory on my opera blog. It's too late to get a back up?
herbertjupile last edited by
I'm writing from France.
I was using opera mail and happy with it and it stopped with no warnings !!!
What appened and how to get my adresses back and maybe the mails I lost ?
Did you get any message to explain and warn you ?
I'm really disapointed. -
albgoldman last edited by
Has anyone received any answers as to how to retrieve what was in OperaMail? Is everything just lost? Had there been any communication?
clodi95 last edited by
Yeah, I'd really need to be able to access to my opera mail account as well. Just to change my email address linked to some accounts I have on external sites.
A Former User last edited by
Some sites might require confirmation from the old mailbox - otherwise they are shitty sites.