Gmail Spam Invasion!
A Former User last edited by leocg
Update 2:
I did found some news saying that phishing is more used on phones than computers, but it is not my case.
Of course my gmail is hacked, but strangely it is only my gmail, everything else is fine.
I start to question myself it is strange how people are just using my gmail without even log my email?
it is even possible to make a replica of my email without using gmail?
I will keep a eye on that, just in case...
A Former User last edited by
Update 3:
I found out there A suspicious application on my pc.
Thats means i have to format my pc ;^;
And no, i don't even freaking know how this app did go there.
maybe a windows update i think... -
A Former User last edited by leocg
I found the problem.
There a ip of with a blank name.
A Former User last edited by
Opening opera once again i did notice a suspicious ip
It is supposed to be there? Or i am dreaming?
A Former User last edited by A Former User
Okay, maybe it is supposed to be on the system, lemme download google for a bit.
forget it, i am gonna download microsoft edge