How to turn off search suggestion autofill?
hucker last edited by
How do I turn off the stupid autofill? For example, I typed into the URL/search bar "metrologist". Then I later typed "metro" and pressed enter, expecting it to search for metro, but no, stupid Opera assumed I wanted to look up metrologists again! If I wanted to use the suggestion, I would of selected it from the drop down menu! Never assume!
hucker last edited by
@leocg I have "Use a prediction service to help complete searches and URLs typed in the address bar" switched off.
I don't know the terminology. I mean I type a word into the address bar and it fills in things I've typed before. For example, type "Joe Bloggs" into the address bar and it will search for Joe Bloggs. Now type "Joe" into the address bar and it will fill it to "Joe Bloggs". If I simply type "Joe" and press enter without looking, it searches for the wrong thing.