Opera Cashback
katarzynamos Opera last edited by
@setho The lack of a recorded transaction may be related to both the terms of the affiliate program and the way you made your purchase. Check here what steps you should take to minimise the risk of losing your cashback reward when shopping online. If you have already contacted support, your issue will certainly not be overlooked by our staff. Every report is thoroughly investigated and you will surely not be left without an answer.
setho last edited by
@katarzynamos Reply from the support as much as it was polite and informative didn't bring much to the problem. I Made sure that the cashback was active, made the purchase within one session, didn't use any other cashbacks, there was a pending cashbacks from adobe at the time I made the purchase (I was checking if cashback is set properly). Support said there is no history of me visiting any store with cashback which is odd. I mean I'm not saying that in the end it might have been something I overlooked but for an feature that seems to be (while logged in to opera cc on your opera browser) click and done, it did fail me greatly, considering it was a quite a big purchase too.
batsk8 last edited by
@hucker: I agree, I'm from Poland and I also hate the inconsistency with commas and dots, especially in spreadsheets, where it makes a huge difference, and a spreadsheet from abroad can contain errors due to that.
Anyway, that Opera Cashback seems like a scam, never got anything from them, even though my history of visiting online stores was saved, but the purchases were not.
Also should I use the built-in cashback feature, or this extension? The built-in feature disables the extension and vice versa. One way or another, it doesn't work. -
batsk8 last edited by
@katarzynamos: Opera Cashback doesn't work, never got any cashback from you, even though:
- My history of visiting online stores was saved (but the purchases were not)
- Cashback was enabled accordingly to Opera instructions (before adding products to the cart)
- Selected products were from categories that qualify for cashback
It is also not clear whether to use the built-in (dify) cashback extension or to install this external extension? I've tried both and none worked: with installed extension the built-in dify cashback can't be enabled and doesn't see the cashback. When the cashback is activated in the built-in dify extension ,then the installed Opera extension is disabled by it.
Yet none could bring me any money back to my account.Why should we install an extension then, when it's built-in? What option should we use then? Should cashbacks in Opera settings be enabled or disabled, when using this external extension?
Can Opera stuff finally explain this? -
hucker last edited by
@batsk8 said in Opera Cashback:
@hucker: I agree, I'm from Poland and I also hate the inconsistency with commas and dots, especially in spreadsheets, where it makes a huge difference, and a spreadsheet from abroad can contain errors due to that.
Anyway, that Opera Cashback seems like a scam, never got anything from them, even though my history of visiting online stores was saved, but the purchases were not.
Also should I use the built-in cashback feature, or this extension? The built-in feature disables the extension and vice versa. One way or another, it doesn't work.Not sure why some countries use a comma for a decimal point. We say "fifty three point seven" - how can a comma be a point?
Yeah I was also annoyed at having two methods of cashback, both pestering me at once. I was told in here to turn off the extension. Mine works every time on Ebay (not tried anywhere else), I just use the built in little one on the left of the address bar. Although it would be better if it just stayed on all the time, like my Nectar points do. It does take quite a while (about a week?) for the cashback to come through, but you should be able to see pending things in your account after about a week.
Makunia last edited by
Seit Monaten nutze ich es für Lieferando und andere Shops, bisher kein Cent bekommen. Wenn man es melden will, muss man sehr viele Dinge vorweisen um sein Geld zu bekommen. Sehr enttäuchend. Als ich meine Addons auflistete sagte der Support es liegt nicht an diesen. Ich habe es mit aktiven Addons und ohne probiert. Das Cashback symbol war grün ich kaufte, bekam aber die 2% Cashback nicht. aber wurde aufgelistet als "Einkaufstour" absolut useless.
hucker last edited by
@makunia It works ok for Ebay, if I remember to turn it on every single time!! It should stay on permanently, I probably lose half my money this way. I wonder if Opera still collect the money from Ebay when I forget?
Es funktioniert ok für Ebay, wenn ich daran denke, es jedes Mal einzuschalten !! Es sollte dauerhaft an bleiben, ich verliere damit wahrscheinlich die Hälfte meines Geldes. Ich frage mich, ob Opera immer noch das Geld von Ebay kassiert, wenn ich es vergesse?
Lurdiane last edited by
Bom dia, gostaria de saber, o porque a minha compra de cashback esta em dolar e o valor de cashback esta em real? sendo que minha compra foi feita em real a moeda de meu país.
ou seja, se a porcentagem for calculada no valor real de meu pagamento em real, o valor do cachback tem que ser proporcial ao valor pago em real e não em dolar. -
hucker last edited by hucker
@makunia They do take a while, look at the date mine are still pending. But I don't know why you have a - instead of a word. You also don't have any values of money listed. You need to report this to support somehow, I don't think they listen to individual account problems in here. Are you looking in the same place as me? I went to link text
katarzynamos Opera last edited by
@lurdiane Nós trabalhamos com programas internacionais e, portanto, o total de compras é informado na moeda em que nossos parceiros registram as transações. Nem a moeda na qual você fez a compra nem a moeda de sua conta tem qualquer efeito sobre a moeda na qual o total da compra é registrado.
Ao converter a moeda, nós sempre tentamos ter certeza de que o cliente não seja afetado. Se a recompensa em cashback for menor do que o esperado, por favor entre em contato conosco em support@cashback.opera.com. -
katarzynamos Opera last edited by
@makunia Es ist schwierig für uns zu beurteilen, warum nach der Aktivierung der Erweiterung die Einkäufe nicht auf dem Opera Cashback-Konto gespeichert wurden. Die Integration mit dem Partner funktioniert, weil ständig viele neue Lieferando-Bestellungen in unserem System gespeichert werden.
Bitte prüfe, ob dein Browser auf dem neuesten Stand ist. Wir empfehlen den Opera-Browser. Versuche bei deinem nächsten Einkauf, Cashback auf eine andere Weise zu aktivieren als bisher (z.B. über die Jetzt shoppen Schaltfläche auf unserer Website). Versuche auch, einen anderen Browser oder ein anderes Gerät zu verwenden, um deine Bestellung aufzugeben. Du kannst auch versuchen, ein mobiles Gerät zu verwenden und nach der Aktivierung des Angebots auf cashback.opera.com den Kauf in deinem Browser abzuschließen (nicht in der Shop-App).Du kannst fehlende Transaktionen jederzeit an den Kundendienst unter support@cashback.opera.com melden.
nikdbest2012 last edited by
(Suggestion) Why isn't Amazon a feature for cashback? It would be the most useful thing opera has ever made to me if it utilized Amazon.
hucker last edited by
@nikdbest2012 I'm guessing the money comes from the company and Amazon don't want to do that. Ebay do, and they sell cheaper goods anyway, and their feedback system is better, and their website is easier to use.
Yzuriel last edited by
Infelizmente na hora de pedir a transferência bancária, tem pouquíssima opções de bancos. Não tem NuBank, não tem o banco da Caixa, sinceramente, decepção com o aplicativo sendo que muitos hoje tem várias opções. Aplicativo não é feito para quem mora no Brasil.
katarzynamos Opera last edited by
@yzuriel Obrigado por seu valioso feedback! No momento, a equipe da Opera Cashback está trabalhando para disponibilizar opções adicionais de saque o mais rápido possível. Podemos assegurar que planejamos adicionar pelo menos um novo método num futuro próximo, que será uma opção segura, estável e de fácil acesso para nossos usuários no Brasil.
Enquanto estamos trabalhando na nova opção de saque, nossos usuários já podem coletar recompensas e usar o recurso de cashback. Não deixe de conferir as lojas disponíveis em nosso site!
renilto last edited by
It doesn't work properly, I've made several purchases on Booking.com and only a few worked even though I did all the correct steps to make the purchase valid, i sent them an email to explain and they simply said that is not their fault.
pasmord last edited by
Супер, работает без вмешательства. Делал заказы не парился, работает или нет, захожу в приложение а у меня там деньги собираются
revolytionod last edited by
Не працює виплата на українську картку. Вкрали більше 1000 грн кешбеку. Не рекомендую зараз користуватись цим сервісом. Більш розгорнуто за посиланням https://www.onlyforus.com.ua/dify-cashback-sposib-vidklasti-kopijchinu-chi-obman-upd-vid-07-01-2022/
pilcio44 last edited by
Wtyczka ma problemy z allegro.pl. Pomimo jej włączenia / aktywacji nie nalicza cashback, lub podaje błędną ilość. Proszę to naprawić. Dziękuję.