Unable to open chat.openai.com (chatGPT) web application
dax1982 last edited by
I am unable to open https://chat.openai.com in Opera.
I tried on 2 different PCs and got the same result, both in normal and in private mode.Web page can be accessed on the same PCs through any other web browser, except Opera.
Thank You,
Dax -
newworldman last edited by
@leocg Got in just now on Opera, but have also had previous (full capacity) on other occasions.
Btw, a couple of alternatives to ChatGPT are You.com Chat and Perplexity. Depending on your question they can give better or worse answers.
wagnergaluppo last edited by
In here I found the same as presented by @modapkdown , but I could access via other browsers ...