enjewel3 last edited by
I love frogs, how could you not love frogs? Frogs are amazing happy little creatures. With over 5,000 species, and each one a little different than the last, frogs are diverse creatures. They exist in 6 of the 7 continents on Earth, and when Antarctica was habitable millions of years ago, all 7! Those cute little amphibian hands, I would love to hug a human sized frog, wouldn't you? You would. Trust me. Frogs have a warm body due to their small frame and therefore always running high metabolism. It would be like wrapping myself in a warm blanket. Frogs kill. They are ruthless. They would rip open your body with no remorse as they eat you alive. Why I love frogs is a tough question, to be honest, I was a young boy, younger boy, if you will, maybe 7 years old, when I saw maybe 15 frogs in my backyard. Ever since then I wanted to know more about them, because they just looked so interesting, maybe a little, moist. Frogs usually don't have a gender until they have matured enough to where it matters. Due to their permeable skin, frogs are quite the middle point in the ecosystems that they lie in, mostly jungle and rainforest biomes. Their eyes go back into their skull to help them swallow. I wish I could do that. Frogs hate you on a personal level. Not so much the most dangerous species, like the infamous poison dart frog, but I wouldn't get too close. Night of the Spadefoot Toads is a novel by Bill Harley. I would not recommend it. You don't learn nearly enough about frogs to make it worth your time. Meet the Robinsons however does a great job to convey how frogs are constantly in a battle of mind control. Frogs could take over the entire planet, the human race with it, with the right brain capacity. I'd say 100,000 years until that theoretically happens. It’ll be quite the rights debate for our future selves. The frogs are coming. Lock your doors, ladies and gentlemen. Windows too. Even chimneys. Frogs can jump 20x their body length, so no place is safe. With my help, They are going to transform into indescribable beings. There's no escape. They will rule over us, and then kill us. We are all done for. I may have doomed our planet by helping the revolution, but what can I say, I love frogs!
rcryy last edited by
Before i got my hands on this wallpaper, i had a small pp, no girlfriend and was a failure to my family
and being honest with you...
none of those things have changed, but hey, atleast i have a wallpaper that gives +100 style to operaGX right?
ferbeasandphinn last edited by
As soon as i pressed install, my father came back with milk. Get now for +1 fathers.
Dockins last edited by
My walls sound weird...
As if there's something inside of 'em.
So I've downloaded this wallpaper for it to match my feeling. -
MrFridayCraft last edited by
Can i leave the basement now , i have done everything you have asked me to do, so pls let me out.
LunarAtlas last edited by leocg
10/10 changed my life, i was once a small child at a very young age, growing up i became less and less kid that i was, i was suddenly, a 14 year old, just as i passed my 14th birthday, incredible stuff.
i went on my journey to find more and more stuff, what stuff you may ask? i didnt know myself, so i dug deep, and then i found it, I have found what the dog was doing, just past by obama's last name and what the fox said.only then that i realised, that.....
sorry this is very emotional for me.... its very hard for me to keep writing this.....
omg im crying by just remembering this.......sigh
ok im better now.
so, once i hand shook the somu guy, i got one wish for genshin impact, and i got fox lady, i was happy.
but it wasnt enough.
years later.
many years later.
now im married, 69 years old, i have 52 children and 8 dogs.
i found my life's meaning.and i found this cool theme too.