10/10 changed my life, i was once a small child at a very young age, growing up i became less and less kid that i was, i was suddenly, a 14 year old, just as i passed my 14th birthday, incredible stuff.
i went on my journey to find more and more stuff, what stuff you may ask? i didnt know myself, so i dug deep, and then i found it, I have found what the dog was doing, just past by obama's last name and what the fox said.
only then that i realised, that.....
sorry this is very emotional for me.... its very hard for me to keep writing this.....
omg im crying by just remembering this.......
ok im better now.
so, once i hand shook the somu guy, i got one wish for genshin impact, and i got fox lady, i was happy.
but it wasnt enough.
years later.
many years later.
now im married, 69 years old, i have 52 children and 8 dogs.
i found my life's meaning.
and i found this cool theme too.