Opera GX - youtube videos keep randomly playing out of nowhere on tabs
SyncMyErrorPlz last edited by leocg
Hi, for the past half a week, even after I disable my extensions....Opera Gx is playing youtube videos I've never clicked on, while watching another video, and while not even at the computer...
I've disabled auto play in youtube settings. Disabled all my youtube extensions.. And yet ill be away from the computer for 30 mins, not touching it, and it will just start playing videos, that i Cannot See ....i know which tab it is because i can see the audio icon , and when i click on it it mutes, but keeps playing videos..
any idea how to fix, or is there a way to save all my info on opera(bookmarks history etc etc etc), and either reinstall opera, or get it to factory reset, then i can add my infos back to it. thank you
SyncMyErrorPlz last edited by leocg
Ok so i realized that I can make this bug happen by pressing space bar when simply on the youtube home page....very weird.
edit Ok This Is Fked UP . I am on twitch.tv.....and a 'kitboga' video from youtube started playing...im not even on youtube, please help guys/gals
SyncMyErrorPlz last edited by
@syncmyerrorplz ok now its happenein on any video playing website, except its somehow accessing my youtube and playing on it, rather its twitch or whatever
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@syncmyerrorplz First, read https://forums.opera.com/rules and, second, read above.
Lyus last edited by
So, recently I had the same problem here, right after installing some extensions, I deleted most of them, and today I use only those:
Has anyone been able to figure out which extension might have caused this and how to solve it?
Lyus last edited by
oops, haha, apparently there isn't an option to edit posts here, which is weird, but i didn't understand, why the image didn't go... some weird error, so I had to upload it outside:
![alt text] -
Lyus last edited by
@leocg ok guys, I found the extension that caused the problem, it was the '' video speed adjuster '' I just had to deactivate it and the background audios didn't happen anymore, nor did strange videos appear in my youtube history, but this is really strange, because I use this extension for a VERY VERY long time and only now it came to cause this malware? anyway, I need to find a replacement for it now.
thanks for your help @leocg -
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
So, so far, these extensions are bad and have been removed from the Chrome webstore due to malware:
- Video Speed Adjuster: hfocimkojbioaeoahniabkjafgjeacpi
- Simple Volume Booster: pidecdgcabcolloikegacdjejomeodji
- Nice Volume Booster: hdifogmldkmbjgbgffmkphfhpdfhjgmh
- Dark mode for PDF files: kgeaejfodjnbogjfpjbphadocfikhogj or imfnolmlkamfkegkhlpofldehcfghkhk
It's definitely a good idea to make sure any Chrome extensions you have are still at https://chrome.google.com/webstore/category/extensions. If they've been removed, you probably shouldn't use them.
For those that don't have any extensions and still get the issue when logging into Youtube, as a test, make a standalone installation, create a new, test Google account, and log in with that new Google account to test if you still get the issue.
QueTeaPie last edited by
@burnout426 i believe its a YouTube issue as well, ever since YouTube last update there have been a huge number of bugs that not only I've been dealing with but others have been reporting.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
@queteapie It's possible, but this issue was happening before the new Youtube layout went live as far as I know.
sui777 last edited by
This is not happening to me as much on youtube as some users here are saying. Maybe once a week it happens on youtube in google chrome browser. Happens daily in Opera though but on a different video hosting site.
I use multiple browsers and have multiple tabs open at same time and my pc only goes to sleep mode when I'm not using it. It also is only off when it gets restarted once every week.
My issue with a random video playing which I did not start is:
I will be watching a chinese drama video on Iqiyi website at night on Opera and when the episode finishes I will stop the video (but leave the tab open). I will then start doing stuff in google chrome and put the pc to sleep when I go to sleep.
The following day after logging back into my pc I will be using chrome for youtube and various other browsers for other things (not video playback) and randomly the opera tab that had the video playing the day before will start playing again. I may have gone back to other tabs in the opera browser the next day but I definitely did not touch or click the iqiyi website tab in opera on the following day. This has even happened when I was not using my pc but it was still on and the iqiyi website in the opera tab will start video playback.
I'm thinking this may have to do with auto refresh built into chromium browsers? This does not happen to me in other browsers. Only Opera / chrome
Philipsalt Banned last edited by
Your subscription may not allow for your music to play all the time. If you don't upgrade to YouTube Music Premium, your music will pause when you switch to another app. Your device settings are causing the music to pause. If you're listening to YouTube Music on your phone, disable “glance mode” in your settings.
stookie2 last edited by leocg
the same happens to me now. seems youtube implemented some refresh and it automatically puts itself on whitelist on stands adblocker which I found is working fine to block ads. I also disabled speed controller, but no change. youtube autoplay still randomly happens.