[Solved]Who actually runs VPN Pro? How's your experience with it been?
Rob-B last edited by leocg
Is the the VPN owned and run by Opera, or does a third party own it; if you go to the subscription you are taken to Xsolla and all the legal policies, EULA, privacy etc.. are agreements made with Xsolla. There doesn't really seem to be very much detail about this on Opera's site.
THose of you who have used it, has it proved better than the standard VPN? What benefit is there is the pro version?
Rob-B last edited by
@leocg Thanks for the reply. I actually was able to contact Opera and chat with a real person, after chatting with the Bot; which surprised me. Yes Xsolla handle the payments for desktop access and Google Play for Android, and the VPN is Opera owned and run. However, I would still say it's not exactly clear, but there is more info available than I thought; possibly too much paranoia going on.
ardwych last edited by
@rob-b - 'more information than you thought' and 'too much paranoia', Rob?
Privacy is becoming a very real issue these days - governments tracking dissidents in other countries, detecting mother/daughter presences and conversations when crossing state borders in the USA, the EU looking to tighten use of tracking/identifying cues that the G company uses in its analytics.
We don't publish our names and addresses here, in the same way Mr Zukerberg declined to publish the hotel name and the number of his suite where he was staying when attending a Congressional hearing in Washington, DC, USA. -