Set password for your browser ( Opera lock )
denistablica last edited by
Since same extension still works in Chrome, is it possible you can fix this for Opera?
Thanks -
peterneves last edited by peterneves
@denistablica I am using a plugin that make chrome plugins work in Opera in my other Opera Browser. But I didn't tried this plugin there. I am using other one. It is called "Install Chrome Extensions".
Shutter last edited by
its not working on my system as well. With old version of Opera it worked well. I am having problem after update. When you first open the opera and click anywhere then bypass the Set password app. and you can use opera normally.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@cooolmailat96 Because only Opera for desktops supports extensions.
Oim last edited by
Doesn't work properly
You can just ignore a window and open tabs where you have logged in
bienfp last edited by
I opened this question, and since nothing seemed to have improved...
I suggest that to remove this extension from the Opera plugin list as it clearly doesn't fulfill its function ! -
corsamy last edited by
Cette extension ne fonctionne pas sur Opera (testé sur Version :89.0.4447.39). La boite de dialogue s'affiche mais il suffit juste de cliquer sur une tab ouverte avec Opera et l'accès est possible sans le moindre mot de passe... et que le mot de passe soit affiché en clair lorsqu'on le tape, c'est plus que très moyen !
13romanovich last edited by
Расширение работает некорректно, при не вводе пароля, всё равно можно пользоваться браузером. Не работает!
A Former User last edited by
ekrana şifre kutucuğu geliyor ama hiçbirşey yazmayıp kutucuğu arka sekmeye alınca tarayıcıda rahatlıkla dolanabiliyorum ve eklentiyide kaldırabiliyorum
user970 last edited by
when you open the browser, a field for entering a password appears. If the password is entered incorrectly, the browser will close. If you do not enter the password at all, the browser will work fine)). The extension does not block the browser, but simply displays a window for entering a password.
DocThomas last edited by
RIght.....worst feature: When you close Opera down, it closes all the workgroups. They are still there but all the tabs that have been assigned a workgroup have been removed. So you have to move all the tabs backto their respective workgroups.
Otherwise, you do have to use the password, and if you put the wrong password, it just sits there and looks blank at you. So it works.
But this failure to reload the workgroups is a pain. Please fix this bug.