No bookmark sidebar? No deal!
tradeofjane last edited by
Originally posted by blackbird71:
Absolutely true! 100% agreement. And because Opera isn't a charity, it operates its business to seek profit for its stockholders as it sees fit. If it believes it can gain more users (and revenue) going down Path A, we who represent Path B may be disappointed, but we're in no legal or moral position to rant and rave since the "product" costs us absolutely nothing. We are indeed free to politely suggest, recommend, persuade, perhaps even argue a bit while it still matters... but the decisions are Opera's alone to make - and they have made them. Over a year ago. We're now free to accept them or go elsewhere and get on with our lives. But we're not free, in decent societies, to come into their house and spit on their floor.
If Opera Software can't handle the criticism, they should get out of the game. I've used Opera for over a decade. I'm not going to sugar coat a product that sucks or pretend to like it. If Opera didn't want the criticism they shouldn't have released something that is pure beta quality cr@p. This love it or leave it attitude is only going to cost them users since they have nothing to offer us in the way of innovation except how desperate they are to be like Google Chrome. And if I could find a browser like Opera classic, I would leave Opera in a heartbeat. But like many others I became accustom to a browser that got f@#ked up by bad management.
Deleted User last edited by
You're a :troll: pure and simple. If YOU don't like Opera, YOU should just get out of the Help forum. Go over to the Developers' blogs and register your complaints there. Nothing is going to happen here other than you whining and our enduring your whines. :lol:
And cut out your filthy language. Yes, you disguise it with some symbols in order to prevent your posts being censored but in truth, you have a filthy mouth and frankly should be banned from the forums.
blackbird71 last edited by
Originally posted by Tradeofjane:
... If Opera Software can't handle the criticism, they should get out of the game. I've used Opera for over a decade. I'm not going to sugar coat a product that sucks or pretend to like it. If Opera didn't want the criticism they shouldn't have released something that is pure beta quality cr@p. This love it or leave it attitude is only going to cost them users since they have nothing to offer us in the way of innovation except how desperate they are to be like Google Chrome. And if I could find a browser like Opera classic, I would leave Opera in a heartbeat. But like many others I became accustom to a browser that got f@#ked up by bad management.
It isn't criticism, politely voiced and accurately framed, that is really an issue. It's the ranting, outbursting, obscenity/profanity-laced, I-want-what-I-want-and-I-want-it-NOW, exagerated rhetoric that is the problem - of which you, frankly, have been part. It's immature, self-serving, offensive, disrespectful of everyone else trying to help users in these forums, and has no place here. It's the kind of behavior that gives legitimate criticism a bad name, and I'm frankly amazed that the mods haven't come down on it with a large hammer long ago. But then, the wave of repetitive, ranting threads has perhaps led them to simply write these forums off as any meaningful input, especially in light of the eventual move and reorganization of these forums... in which case, all the legitimate users are the poorer for the behavior of the ranters.
tradeofjane last edited by
Originally posted by leushino:
You're a :troll: pure and simple. If YOU don't like Opera, YOU should just get out of the Help forum. Go over to the Developers' blogs and register your complaints there. Nothing is going to happen here other than you whining and our enduring your whines. :lol:
And cut out your filthy language. Yes, you disguise it with some symbols in order to prevent your posts being censored but in truth, you have a filthy mouth and frankly should be banned from the forums.
If anything is filthy it's your attitude towards new members and anyone who says anything negative about Opera. Why are you so incredibly defensive? If anyone says anything bad about Opera, you and your buddies Pesala and blackbird71 are on the defensive in every single thread. Either you're paid to be here to defend Opera, and doing a terrible job of it, or you're being paid to drive people away from it.
tradeofjane last edited by
Originally posted by blackbird71:
It isn't criticism, politely voiced and accurately framed, that is really an issue. It's the ranting, outbursting, obscenity/profanity-laced, I-want-what-I-want-and-I-want-it-NOW, exagerated rhetoric that is the problem - of which you, frankly, have been part. It's immature, self-serving, offensive, disrespectful of everyone else trying to help users in these forums, and has no place here. It's the kind of behavior that gives legitimate criticism a bad name, and I'm frankly amazed that the mods haven't come down on it with a large hammer long ago. But then, the wave of repetitive, ranting threads has perhaps led them to simply write these forums off as any meaningful input, especially in light of the eventual move and reorganization of these forums... in which case, all the legitimate users are the poorer for the behavior of the ranters.
NEWSFLASH: I don't live to please you.
It is leushino, Pesala, and you (although to a slightly lesser extent) aka the "Opera Defense Force" that have been annoying, obnoxious, self-serving, and disrespectful. Want to talk about me having a "I-want-what-I-want-and-I-want-it-NOW" attitude? Are you f@#king kidding me? It's people like you, leushino, and Pesala that have been downplaying everyone's concerns and telling everyone to love it, leave it, and if you have a problem with it then deal with it.
And no one would have to rant if the new Opera didn't suck so badly. Nor would you have to rant about people ranting.
blackbird71 last edited by
Originally posted by Tradeofjane:
... NEWSFLASH: I don't live to please you.
It is leushino, Pesala, and you (although to a slightly lesser extent) aka the "Opera Defense Force" that have been annoying, obnoxious, self-serving, and disrespectful. Want to talk about me having a "I-want-what-I-want-and-I-want-it-NOW" attitude? Are you f@#king kidding me? It's people like you, leushino, and Pesala that have been downplaying everyone's concerns and telling everyone to love it, leave it, and if you have a problem with it then deal with it.
And no one would have to rant if the new Opera didn't suck so badly. Nor would you have to rant about people ranting.
Indeed. It's obvious that you live to please only yourself... something that is both sad and that explains much.
Are you incapable of writing even one short post without resorting to obscenity, obfuscated or not? Do you think that somehow makes your other statements more impressive or persuasive? In all your outbursts, you still fail to get it: no amount of ranting by you or anyone else is going to change one thing that Opera is doing, no amount of obscenity you toss out will alter one feature present or missing in Opera's new browser design, no raving at other users who try to keep this forum on a relatively even keel for those needing technical help will get you any kind of positive attention to the rants you make. All your trash-talk does is serve to bump useless threads and clutter otherwise reasonable threads. Just like a two-year-old child when it's been corrected, you rant and rave and throw verbal tantrums in these forums whenever confronted.
I normally have a lot of patience with different points of view, and I'm certainly not an Opera fanboy. I come to these forums to help users with Opera technical problems to the extent that I can, even though I'm now mainly using a non-Opera browser... and I've watched the forums turned into a platform for useless, repetitive, childish ranting at the company that hosts the forums. Besides such behavior being rude and uncouth, it is becoming an utter pain that interferes with the forums' purposes. So... I've said what I believe needed to be said, and I'm now done responding to you. You've earned your "ignore" status.
Deleted User last edited by
Ignoring is probably the best way of dealing with someone like this. I've reported his abuse but I guess the mods have their hands full. So... ignore it is.
bostyan87 last edited by
Wait no sidebar in new Opera? WTF That was the best feature in Opera sorry back on version 12 and Firefox with all in one sidebar :p
I never thought that Opera will become so bad :down:
Just why just why it is so difficult to leave sidebar?
I just Installed new version for what.... now I need uninstalled...
bostyan87 last edited by
Me ?
Yes because Iยดm using Bin Opera and is on other partition... Last version I installed was 12
But I try new version but I hate it...
1) No sidebar
2) Chrome Settings
3) No + (New Tab) button
4) No color themesThat all I got in 2 min then I deleted new version and open Backup version 12.
I installed verion 12 works perfect and I have sidebar :p
Anyway why Opera looks like Chrome? This is stupid... version 12 is better then 19....
I never thought that opera wil became so bad :down: And they copy Chrome settings :down:
I always was Opera fan I using it for 16+ years but now with no Sidebar and Chrome settings :down: :down:
My Opera is closing 1st of March
Is over with Opera it was the best Browser....
stevenjcee last edited by
This is the "Opera Community", and so those who've used Opera for 10 -15 years have every right to come here and yes, fanboys, actually complain, express their frustration with changes they don't agree are positive steps, and that's a good thing! It's you prissy, self-annointed "keepers of order" who are the trolls, passing judgments on others, telling them to leave, calling them names, and most of all, in complete delusional denial that you are harping on behavior that you yourselves are exhibiting! No wonder you get foul language at times, you're like pesky mosquitoes, buzzing & stinging, and of no helpful use!
Look, if someone of this community, the same one which has not bestowed or imbued you all with any special position, and your only claim to fame is just how many thousands of posts you've rung up, wishes to express their opinion, and you don't like it, and it's not a technical problem you can "help" them with, then don't f**king bother to respond!!! It sure as hell ain't your job to sit and blast people doing nothing more than what you do, and that is posting their opinions!
stevenjcee last edited by
Originally posted by Tradeofjane:
NEWSFLASH: I don't live to please you.
It is leushino, Pesala, and you (although to a slightly lesser extent) aka the "Opera Defense Force" that have been annoying, obnoxious, self-serving, and disrespectful. Want to talk about me having a "I-want-what-I-want-and-I-want-it-NOW" attitude? Are you f@#king kidding me? It's people like you, leushino, and Pesala that have been downplaying everyone's concerns and telling everyone to love it, leave it, and if you have a problem with it then deal with it.
And no one would have to rant if the new Opera didn't suck so badly. Nor would you have to rant about people ranting.
As for the Opera Defense Force's own rules as to who's good enough to post here, they don't even have the purpose of this place correct! This forum is NOT strictly for you "experts" to help us poor, helpless, computer neophytes, with our technical questions, as you keep blathering on about with your arrogant screeds. Perhaps it may serve you to take a couple minutes away from your 24/7 name-calling, condemning, & demands for excommunication of all who criticize these wrongheaded changes to a once very happening browser, to actually READ the purpose of this forum, as stated by Opera, and not your pompous selves:
"Welcome to the Opera forums - a place for you to get in touch with other Opera users for discussions, troubleshooting, and sharing ideas. Opera employees are active in the forums and will sometimes respond to questions and comments."
I'd say those who are not happy, express their frustration, clearly state the areas needing improvement, and what they would like to see in future versions are indeed falling right in line with this stated purpose. So guys, if & when you come across posters YOU DON'T LIKE, then just STFU, no one is demanding you grace us with your vitriol & adolescent bullsh*t, everyone here has the very same right to post as you self-appointed Opera Defense soldiers, ok, get it?
Deleted User last edited by
Originally posted by Pesala:
You just did :doh:
Indeed. Call it a momentary brain freeze. :rolleyes:
Three weeks and MyOpera Community will be dismantled. Any more word on which forums will be purged and how things will proceed?
blackbird71 last edited by
Yes... curious minds would like to know in just what direction the forums (as such) will proceed. Obviously, in whatever form any material from the present forums gets carried over, it will set off its own firestorm from the usual suspects, but I really hate to see any of the useful hints and tweaks amongst these threads get lost to users/helpers in the future - especially if Old Opera versions continue "in support" and in widespread usage beyond the forum switch-over point.
fluxrev last edited by
Looking forward to The Great Purge, eh? Perhaps, but I suspect that your "retirement" party may need to be postponed . . . -
fluxrev last edited by
Originally posted by StevenCee:
vitriol & adolescent bullsh*t
A very apt description for many if not most of the anti-Blink posts here. Or does your antipathy towards the Opera Defense Force prevent you from seeing that?