No bookmark sidebar? No deal!
Deleted User last edited by
Ignoring is probably the best way of dealing with someone like this. I've reported his abuse but I guess the mods have their hands full. So... ignore it is.
bostyan87 last edited by
Wait no sidebar in new Opera? WTF That was the best feature in Opera sorry back on version 12 and Firefox with all in one sidebar :p
I never thought that Opera will become so bad :down:
Just why just why it is so difficult to leave sidebar?
I just Installed new version for what.... now I need uninstalled...
bostyan87 last edited by
Me ?
Yes because Iยดm using Bin Opera and is on other partition... Last version I installed was 12
But I try new version but I hate it...
1) No sidebar
2) Chrome Settings
3) No + (New Tab) button
4) No color themesThat all I got in 2 min then I deleted new version and open Backup version 12.
I installed verion 12 works perfect and I have sidebar :p
Anyway why Opera looks like Chrome? This is stupid... version 12 is better then 19....
I never thought that opera wil became so bad :down: And they copy Chrome settings :down:
I always was Opera fan I using it for 16+ years but now with no Sidebar and Chrome settings :down: :down:
My Opera is closing 1st of March
Is over with Opera it was the best Browser....
stevenjcee last edited by
This is the "Opera Community", and so those who've used Opera for 10 -15 years have every right to come here and yes, fanboys, actually complain, express their frustration with changes they don't agree are positive steps, and that's a good thing! It's you prissy, self-annointed "keepers of order" who are the trolls, passing judgments on others, telling them to leave, calling them names, and most of all, in complete delusional denial that you are harping on behavior that you yourselves are exhibiting! No wonder you get foul language at times, you're like pesky mosquitoes, buzzing & stinging, and of no helpful use!
Look, if someone of this community, the same one which has not bestowed or imbued you all with any special position, and your only claim to fame is just how many thousands of posts you've rung up, wishes to express their opinion, and you don't like it, and it's not a technical problem you can "help" them with, then don't f**king bother to respond!!! It sure as hell ain't your job to sit and blast people doing nothing more than what you do, and that is posting their opinions!
stevenjcee last edited by
Originally posted by Tradeofjane:
NEWSFLASH: I don't live to please you.
It is leushino, Pesala, and you (although to a slightly lesser extent) aka the "Opera Defense Force" that have been annoying, obnoxious, self-serving, and disrespectful. Want to talk about me having a "I-want-what-I-want-and-I-want-it-NOW" attitude? Are you f@#king kidding me? It's people like you, leushino, and Pesala that have been downplaying everyone's concerns and telling everyone to love it, leave it, and if you have a problem with it then deal with it.
And no one would have to rant if the new Opera didn't suck so badly. Nor would you have to rant about people ranting.
As for the Opera Defense Force's own rules as to who's good enough to post here, they don't even have the purpose of this place correct! This forum is NOT strictly for you "experts" to help us poor, helpless, computer neophytes, with our technical questions, as you keep blathering on about with your arrogant screeds. Perhaps it may serve you to take a couple minutes away from your 24/7 name-calling, condemning, & demands for excommunication of all who criticize these wrongheaded changes to a once very happening browser, to actually READ the purpose of this forum, as stated by Opera, and not your pompous selves:
"Welcome to the Opera forums - a place for you to get in touch with other Opera users for discussions, troubleshooting, and sharing ideas. Opera employees are active in the forums and will sometimes respond to questions and comments."
I'd say those who are not happy, express their frustration, clearly state the areas needing improvement, and what they would like to see in future versions are indeed falling right in line with this stated purpose. So guys, if & when you come across posters YOU DON'T LIKE, then just STFU, no one is demanding you grace us with your vitriol & adolescent bullsh*t, everyone here has the very same right to post as you self-appointed Opera Defense soldiers, ok, get it?
Deleted User last edited by
Originally posted by Pesala:
You just did :doh:
Indeed. Call it a momentary brain freeze. :rolleyes:
Three weeks and MyOpera Community will be dismantled. Any more word on which forums will be purged and how things will proceed?
blackbird71 last edited by
Yes... curious minds would like to know in just what direction the forums (as such) will proceed. Obviously, in whatever form any material from the present forums gets carried over, it will set off its own firestorm from the usual suspects, but I really hate to see any of the useful hints and tweaks amongst these threads get lost to users/helpers in the future - especially if Old Opera versions continue "in support" and in widespread usage beyond the forum switch-over point.
fluxrev last edited by
Looking forward to The Great Purge, eh? Perhaps, but I suspect that your "retirement" party may need to be postponed . . . -
fluxrev last edited by
Originally posted by StevenCee:
vitriol & adolescent bullsh*t
A very apt description for many if not most of the anti-Blink posts here. Or does your antipathy towards the Opera Defense Force prevent you from seeing that?
Deleted User last edited by
Originally posted by blackbird71:
Yes... curious minds would like to know in just what direction the forums (as such) will proceed.
Well, hopefully the mods will take more action and rid the forums of the whiners and complainers once and for all. There needs to be a return to the forums for their stated purpose: Help. What Opera has done is done and over with. There is no turning back. Eight, nine, ten months later and these clowns still think they can persuade the Opera devs to reverse the course of action. It's over and done with. Either adapt or move on but give up the infernal whining and personal attacks. It's so bloody childish it embarrasses me to read their drivel.
stevenjcee last edited by
Are you really that self-unaware, even the so-called "Buddhist" of the Defenders Inquisitional Group, that your behavior is what fuels all the crap going on here? When people come to express their displeasure with various changes, (something any real business wants to hear), you take it upon yourselves to scoff, ridicule, & demand them to leave, despite your having no authority whatsoever, besides spending far too much of all that time on your hands posting thousands of times, the majority being of the flaming kind.
But then, it is always the ones most guilty of the behavior they deride in others doing the scolding....
Deleted User last edited by
Originally posted by StevenCee:
This is the "Opera Community", and so those who've used Opera for 10 -15 years have every right to come here and yes, fanboys, actually complain, express their frustration with changes they don't agree are positive steps, and that's a good thing! It's you prissy, self-annointed "keepers of order" who are the trolls, passing judgments on others, telling them to leave, calling them names, and most of all, in complete delusional denial that you are harping on behavior that you yourselves are exhibiting! No wonder you get foul language at times, you're like pesky mosquitoes, buzzing & stinging, and of no helpful use!
Look, if someone of this community, the same one which has not bestowed or imbued you all with any special position, and your only claim to fame is just how many thousands of posts you've rung up, wishes to express their opinion, and you don't like it, and it's not a technical problem you can "help" them with, then don't f**king bother to respond!!! It sure as hell ain't your job to sit and blast people doing nothing more than what you do, and that is posting their opinions!
So true, so true
fluxrev last edited by
Originally posted by StevenCee:
your behavior is what fuels all the crap going on here
Although Pesala can't be blamed for the OP here ("I knew upgrading to Opera 18 would be a disaster. Whoever decided to kill the bookmark sidebar option should visit a doctor and get some pills."), you do make a valid point. Opera ASA has handled the Presto-Blink transition in such a way as to virtually guarantee this sort of highly charged reaction from Presto desktop users. And since (unlike some other users) I don't believe that the folks at Opera ASA are idiots, I believe that they knew that this would happen but decided to treat it as a "cost of doing business". While I am a longtime Presto user who will miss its features (though not its unacceptably slow page rendering), I understand that Opera ASA is a business, not a cult, so I don't regard their decision to abandon Presto and develop a very different kind of browser as an apostasy. However, while I have no sympathy for the immaturity, self-righteousness, belligerence, and sense of entitlement that characterize many of these anti-Blink posts, I do believe that Opera ASA has to a great extent brought this upon themselves, and that those on this forum who have made it their mission to aggressively rebut/criticize virtually every anti-Blink poster who exhibits any of these objectionable traits are essentially doing battle with a natural law, like insisting on putting a lid on a pot of boiling water under the banner of "correcting" the "misbehaving" water, with the inevitable result that the water boils even more furiously.
frenzie last edited by
Originally posted by fluxrev:
I do believe that Opera ASA has to a great extent brought this upon themselves, and that those on this forum who have made it their mission to aggressively rebut/criticize virtually every anti-Blink poster who exhibits any of these objectionable traits are essentially doing battle with a natural law, like insisting on putting a lid on a pot of boiling water under the banner of "correcting" the "misbehaving" water, with the inevitable result that the water boils even more furiously.
Some of it is valid; much of it is tone trolling. In this case, you too completely ignored the salient point of the OP: "I have about 300+ bookmarks. Now you forced me to put them all on Speed Dial???" Pesala, it should be noted, actually offered a solution of sorts, and a nice degree of snark.
blackbird71 last edited by
As the Opera Community's "days dwindle down to a precious few", much of the harsh rhetoric (on all sides) increasingly seems like arguments over lounge chairs on the sloping deck of the Titanic. To those I've offended by trying to keep things balanced in what I perceived as a "helps" forum, offense was not really my intention - and I apologize where it was given. To those I've helped in a few humble ways over recent years, I'm glad I could help a little - as I have so often been helped here, both as a lurker and as a member.
What we've all shared was a respect for a great browser... at times it could be a bit quirky, but it always had the capacity to be molded by users into a literal extension of who we are and how we've used the Internet. I give my boundless thanks to the many developers who made that all possible over so many years, not always with sufficient recognition. Opera was not the product just of folks "doing a job", though that certainly was true - it was also a deep labor of love for many who poured themselves into it from Opera's founding onward. New days are now upon all of us; the old days are passing into memory and digital folklore; the era has changed. I wish the best to all those working on the new Opera versions, and I wish the best to all Opera users in whatever direction they choose to go forward. Perhaps we'll meet again on a forum somewhere...
"Inlet spikes have extended, engines are set for max thrust. Now climbing to 75,000 and returning to a heading of 270. Blackbird is out."