Workspaces as separate sessions
A Former User last edited by
this is the best feature needed. If Separate sessions is possible then there is no need for profiles.
I would love to see this feature come through -
Clauber last edited by
I just created my account to support this. We need profiles/workspaces with different sessions/cookies/storage.
This is kinda becoming a deal breaker to me. -
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
@clauber said in Workspaces as separate sessions:
We need profiles
See the bottom section here for the manual way to have multiple profiles.
megdanov last edited by
Allowing session isolation for workspaces would be great! For example there can be simple option when creating workspaces "allow session sharing" or "forbid session sharing" and that's it. For a lot of people this feature will be very useful.
xtsimpouris last edited by
Personally (web developer) I have this setup:
- Main opera installation: personal usage and most of work related stuff (without Google)
- Portable opera for work's google stuff (Google isolation 1)
- Portable opera for personal's google stuff (Google isolation 2)
- Portable opera for custom web testing
Workspace isolation would be great
SniperFox last edited by leocg
Sad to see this has been sitting out there for 2+ years w/o getting any love.
I installed Opera Just For this reason to see if I could get something like Firefox Multi-Account Containers on a Chromium browser.
I was very disappointed when I logged into gmail in 1 workspace and was still logged in on the other workspaces.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@sniperfox Opera GX has profiles and there is a flag to enable profiles in regular Opera, although it doesn't do anything currently.
So, there may be a chance that multiple profiles will be allowed at some point in the future. However, each workspace being a different profile I think has very low chances to happen.
edmarcio last edited by
Another one just to support this.
Workspace isolation should be the best thing to happen… it will give the organization of Opera with the containers of Firefox.
BTW that is how I always envisioned what Workspace should be… Firefox containers is too unorganized because you can have a tab from work at side from a tab from school.
Workspace fix and organize that.
Now we need that each Workspace can have it own set of cookies, logins, etc.Make this happen… be ahead of others.
jojo0587 last edited by leocg
@edmarcio No, no and again no. And once again: No! Workspace should stay as it is. There are profiles for different plugins, different cookies, settings, etc. And that's what Opera should get.
Read this my post: proposals for changes in Opera (Google Document).
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rodrigocipriani last edited by
For me this feature is the only thing that is missing that makes me not migrate to use only Opera, I tried a lot of times, but without this feature, it's impossible.
When you start using Workspaces it seems that it will do exactly that, different sessions. But not, it's all the same session, so when you have more then one profile, like personal, work, etc. It's messy.Besides it... Great job dev team, this browser is fantastic
TDMx last edited by
@rodrigocipriani 100% agree with you Bro! I'm on the web since 1996 I have been used to test so many web browser (Netscape, IE, Firefox, Vivaldi, Brave, Maxthon, and so on) even the last one ARC really pleasant to use, but finally they missed their target as well
ARC can not be a mass market web browser...
Please Opera don't missing out what its so obvious for all of us. Trust the real experience of your community!!!
Workspace = Different Session No debate about it
for me and for manys its just so obvious it has to be ^^
edmarcio last edited by
@jojo0587 I read your post but that is not what is being requested here.
Workspace like it is today is very much useless for use... it act only as a form of organization that doesn't help on day by day use.
Workspace should use the same profile but just like the Private Window to have it own cache and cookies... you don't need a new profile for Private Windows.
Using different profiles is possible today having two browser windows opened at same time.
What we are asking is to have isolation between Workspaces so you can use the same web apps with differents Ids in each Workspace like in Workspace A have the whatsapp from your personal number and in Workspace B have the whatsapp from your business number.
Firefox is imo a bad browser but it does that with Containers but having conteiners in each tab seems a bit confusing and not organized enough.... so since Opera released the Workspace feature I'm wating to it have something like conteiners for each Workspace... that is how Workspace can be useful imo.
edmarcio last edited by edmarcio
@tdmx Yes... it is really a big differncing feature if implemented... no other browser in the market has it.
And there is no way anybody using Workspace won't feel that it should have different sessions (not profiles) between them... it is even a let down when you realize it doesn't work like it should.
jojo0587 last edited by
@edmarcio said in Workspaces as separate sessions:
Workspace like it is today is very much useless for use... it act only as a form of organization that doesn't help on day by day use.
Because that's her idea. It's supposed to help sort the tabs. For example, you open your mail. You have an e-mail from the VOD service with information about newly-added movies/series and you are interested in an item. You right-click on the link and choose to open the page in the "Multimedia" workspace. This is an example of card organization.
@edmarcio said in Workspaces as separate sessions:
Using different profiles is possible today having two browser windows opened at same time.
And that's the only sensible solution. This is how profiles should look like - people's profile is a separate window.
@edmarcio said in Workspaces as separate sessions:
What we are asking is to have isolation between Workspaces so you can use the same web apps with differents Ids in each Workspace like in Workspace A have the whatsapp from your personal number and in Workspace B have the whatsapp from your business number.
If you must have two same messengers with different profiles in one Opera window, wouldn't it be easier to suggest the possibility of adding two accounts and then 2 buttons from the same messenger would be visible on the sidebar?
Unpack some Opera portable (portable versions do not "clutter" system directories). You can set up each Opera portable in a different way.
A. You can have a sidebar in one and not in the other. If you entered what you are writing about, you would have to have a sidebar visible in every Opera profile.
B. You could have workspaces in one and not in the other.
C. Visible items on the sidebar in different profiles-workspace. Don't you think it would look weird if in each workspace on the sidebar you had only the workspace icons fixed and the rest of the buttons changed? Workspace "A" -
you see "My news" in the sidebar and a button for the extension "XXX" and "YYY" but you go to workspace "B" and suddenly the extension "XXX" and "YYY" disappears but "ZZZ" and "UUU" appear. Don't you think that would be a little confusing?Really, replacing workspaces with separate profiles is just a dumb idea.
Recently, a certain browser (whose name I don't write specifically :P) that already had tab grouping stole the topic of workspaces from Opera and they also introduced this function to their browser. But there workspace (although this function has a different name for them) is not synonymous with separate tabs/cookies/plugins/settings etc.
But why? Because it's just a dumb idea.Yes, I'm for Opera getting profiles but not for putting them in workspace because it's just a stupid idea.
My proposals for changes in Opera (Google Document).
- There are not enough signs to put all the links here. -
edmarcio last edited by edmarcio
@jojo0587 You are focusing too much in different profiles.
Workspace should be in different containers (cache and cookies differents) but the same profile (same bookmarks and stuffs of yor profile)... it is like Private Windows works without the Private part and in the same window in a different workspace.Profiles is a whole different thing that most browser have but having 2 windows is a not ideal.
And Whatsapp was an example... it can be a news site, email, etc... any site that have login via cookies should be separetely between Workspaces to be useful.
That is how most people see Workspaces... and that is why it was a surprise when Opera released it without that feature.
Workspace School: you use your school credentials to logins on sites
Workspace Personal: you use your personal credentials to logins on sites
Workspace Work: you use your work credentials to logins on sitesAll using the same profile with same bookmarks... just cookies and cache are separetelly between workspaces (just like Private Window do but without the private options enabled).
Nobody wants Workspaces with different profiles... nobody wants to have several profiles or create them.
I can't see how anybody can't see how useful is that it is how Workspace was supposed to work... it is a deal breaker feature... the Firefox thought of the right ideia with Containers but forget the organization part because it is dumb to have diferent containers per tab and Workspace fix that issue making perfect.
jojo0587 last edited by
@edmarcio said in Workspaces as separate sessions:
That is how most people see Workspaces... and that is why it was a surprise when Opera released it without that feature.
Really? Have you done any research? A survey?
@edmarcio said in Workspaces as separate sessions:
Workspace should be in different containers (cache and cookies differents) but the same profile (same bookmarks and stuffs of yor profile)... it is like Private Windows works without the Private part and in the same window in a different workspace.
For example: I open page "A", which requires login. I open a lot of subpages of the "A" page and move some of them to the "Temporary" workspace because in the view of the first workspace they would simply disturb me. When I want to go back to one of the "Temporary" pages for a while, I will suddenly not be logged in? It's just stupid.
@edmarcio said in Workspaces as separate sessions:
Workspace School: you use your school credentials to logins on sites
Workspace Personal: you use your personal credentials to logins on sites
Workspace Work: you use your work credentials to logins on sitesAnd that's exactly why workspaces were created. To categorize pages in tabs. And only for that. You want separate login/cookie sessions - open a new profile. But you don't really need separate profiles to open "A", "B" and "C" pages from the "Work" workspace and for example "D" and "E" pages from the "Personal" workspace. Just side A-C and D-E
keep in separate workspaces.
Why do you need different cookie sessions in separate workspaces? Can't you just open and store different pages in separate themed workspaces?Isn't it easier to have several profiles in one Opera installation in which 100% everything can be set in a completely different way?
I use Opera in the portable version myself and in the directories it looks like this:
...\Opera - "installation" files of the program
...\Opera\profile - this is the profile directory.
If I turn off Opera, rename "profile" to any other name (e.g. "profile test") and start Opera then Opera will create a new "profile" directory,
so it will look like a freshly installed program. But if I close Opera again, delete "profiles" and rename the "profile test" directory to "profiles" and re-enable Opera, it will return to the previous Opera configuration.It's not easier to have "profiles" directory instead of "profiles #1", "profiles #2",
"profile #3" etc and in each have 100% freedom to configure Opera?My proposals for changes in Opera (Google Document).
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