Sluggish and crashing
Cstallone last edited by
After approaching Opera tech support about this issue and receiving no assistance for over a week, I've switched to Vivaldi. Vivaldi is now my default browser and MS Edge is the backup. I used Opera for years and would have gone on using it if they had, oh I don't know, given a shit?
tech-halfwit last edited by tech-halfwit
@cstallone I'm another long time user of Opera. It is getting buggy and unreliable. Sometimes it just freezes up and I have to kill it off with Control+Alt+Delete= Task Manager. Other times it randomly won't open a link. It presents a new tab but I just watch the "loading" image forever. This is becoming too tiresome so I came on here to see if anyone else is having problems recently. It doesn't happen with Firefox or Chrome.
Thanks for the mention of Vivaldi. I'll try it and dump Opera. -
Cstallone last edited by Cstallone
@tech-halfwit that's my experience exactly, but what made it worse was them sending me an automated email that indicated that no Opera techie personnel were going to contact me about the problem I was having. I didn't go to tech support to inform them of the problem so they could solve it to benefit other Opera users. I did it for them to fix it so I could use my browser, and their unwillingness to do that is why I voted with my feet.
Now re Vivaldi: based on the research into browsers I did, the good ones all have a niche, and Vivaldi's is speed. Everything I do on line is moving so much faster since I dumped Opera. I mean Opera was never as fast as Vivaldi, but especially for those last few weeks. I was actually getting to bed late on weeknights because the websites I frequent every week were loading so slowly.
So anyway, good luck with it.
tech-halfwit last edited by
@cstallone Well I am getting on just fine with Vivaldi. I also have Firefox and Chrome installed. Vivaldi beats them both for speed and convenience. Opera used to be much better than it is today and it compared well with the other big players out there, but today it's at the bottom of the pile.
Cstallone last edited by
Oh absolutely, I used Opera for years with no complaints, though, tbh, it was always kind of slow. I knew I was browsing the web slowly, but I thought I needed either a better processor or more memory. I had no idea the problem was my browser.
But even then it was tolerable. Toward the end it became intolerable. And that's why I made the switch
blackbird71 last edited by
If one is using any chromium-based browser (Opera, Vivaldi, Chrome, Edge, etc), there are multiple possible reasons for a browser installation to "slow down", "crash", "freeze", "load forever", "lose tabs", etc... only one of which involves some kind of genuine browser code "bug". Possible factors include a broken installation, interfering antivirus programs, problematic extensions, DNS issues, corrupted certificate stores, broken browser user profile files, messed up browser settings, corrupted tab storage, etc, etc. To immediately assume (and report) that a given problem is a bug in the browser code is to make a major (and likely erroneous) jump to a specific conclusion with little or no confirming evidence. Most browser flavors have limited developer resources, and they're unlikely to respond very quickly (if at all) to such reports.
While one can always jump to another browser, eventually issues may arise with that one as well, since browsers are quite dynamic in their file operations and hardware demands. One of the most common problem causes involves file corruption within the browser's reference/personal files, so a user should always try saving their browser's profile folder (by renaming it) and having the browser recreate a new, fresh one to see if the problem is affected. Also try with all extensions disabled. If one posts in a browser forum asking for help, they should always list their OS version, their browser version, and note whatever fixes they've tried (along with result details)... otherwise helpers have no idea where to start helping.
Cstallone last edited by
@blackbird71 : well I did email tech support, hoping for them to assist me in figuring out the cause of the problem and solving it. But they didn't, so I installed a new (default) web browser, and am now moving through all my web-based activity much more quickly.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@cstallone What tech support? Opera doesn't offer individual support since about the time when it turned into a free software around the beginning of the century.
The place for support has been these forums since a long while.
lonewolf01 last edited by
I have Opera on 2 different computers with completely different hardware parts in 2 different homes and i still have the same issues, Very sluggish and slow especially with a lot of tabs opened. I dont have this same issue if i still to the older v77...only any version after that. I am not the only one to report this. I think there was some large changes to the browser / engine after v78 and v80 etc, Its so much slower especially a decent amount of tabs.
I have since gone back to v77, but i encountered an issue, you cant go backwards with your profile intact, so for some reason it just doesnt keep track of passwords on my v77 after i went back from v82. Even when i disable and enable password manager etc, it just doesnt work at all. But its so much faster than all the versions after v77.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by leocg
@cstallone Posting/reporting that a software is crashing without providing the steps to try to reproduce those crashes usually aren't useful and/or helpful for developers or for other users.
What you should do when you are having that much crashes is to, as instructions say:
- Check if the crash happens with all extensions disabled
- And after a settings reset
- And with a new clean profile
If the crash persists, you try to take note of what you are doing when the crash happens and report it with the possible steps to reproduce the problem and, if possible, with the crash log ID from opera://crashes.
That may help developers in trying to find out what is causing the crash.
lonewolf01 last edited by
@leocg My problem still exists with all extensions disabled , a settings reset and a clean profile. Thats why i thought it has to be an issue with the version as i noticed others mentioned the same issue when they went above v77.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@lonewolf01 If you and the others with that same problem have sent the crash ID with the bug reports, maybe people at Opera may find the cause of the crash and fix it.