Very long extension moderation process
angelo2008 last edited by
if there is a moderator here, then here is my ID;
angelo2008 last edited by
my addon on "opera developers" can't seem to upload my addon to the public, I heard some other topics that it took their addons to be published after 6 months, please I don't understand why, It doesn't respond to any of my messages, (as shown on picture) it only said "Please upload the package for moderation first." but what package? (as shown on picture) this addon is very different form others, a pacman extension
my package/addon ID; jpgoehepfdofhfgffbpbbhkdmebppbij
thanks for reading -
CostasAthan last edited by CostasAthan
I have uploaded a new extension waiting till now 1 week for moderation. No luck so far. (Of course that's nothing compared with what I have read by other developers here.)
It took just 1 day for Microsoft to review and publish the same extension for Edge!
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
@costasathan Does your extension make use of Opera's sidebar? If not, having the extension at will be suitable. Opera users can install it from there.
CostasAthan last edited by
No, it doesn't. But as for now, I just have uploaded it on Edge Add-Ons and on Opera addons. It's not available on Chrome Web Store yet.
CostasAthan last edited by
I just uploaded the add-on in Chrome Web Store yesterday. It got published within 12 hours!
Something's definitely very flawed with Opera's reviewing process.
limpkin last edited by
If there's anyone from the moderation team here we'd really appreciate a review for extension ID bfkaaopdncoadpjkikflppekfmagaahh , which currently is stuck at its Jan 21, 2019 version.
antilopa last edited by
Can you approve please VStat extension -
angelo2008 last edited by
@costasathan Yes, Microsoft said that they needed 7 business days, but it only took 1 day
angelo2008 last edited by
@burnout426 I can't upload extensions on chrome because it has a $5 registration fee, yes I know that it is cheap but I have money problems
antilopa last edited by antilopa
Our users are angry, that we can't repair some bugs.
Please help us! -
antilopa last edited by
@antilopa said in Very long extension moderation process:
Waiting for VStat check -
fromgate last edited by fromgate
Today it was three years since I uploaded my extension on Opera Addons.
I waited for moderation all these years, while my extension on Chrome Store gets more 23 000 users, 60 users on Firefox and 2700 users on Microsoft Edge.
I won't wait anymore, today I will delete my extension from Opera and deinstall it from all devices I use. And I will recommend to make so to everyone who asks me how to install my extension in Opera.
Good bye.
eliastik last edited by
I updated my extension to version 2.8 on september and and it's still not published. My extension is now in version 2.9.1.
The currently available version to download is 2.7, released in 2019. -
hideip last edited by
We seem to be having the long delay again, update submitted September 2021, but still awating moderation. Is it really taking that long, or is there some issue with it not showing up on the Opera moderator's end?
CostasAthan last edited by
I wonder if reviews are abandoned.
I initially uploaded my add-on on November 8, 2021. I have since uploaded 2 updates. None of the 3 versions have ever been reviewed and published. -
angelo2008 last edited by
I have an addon that was summited and awaiting for moderation, but it was never moderated, my addon only contain a few files, and each file (ex. .js, .css, .html, etc.) only has a few lines and words, I have been waiting since November 2021 but still no response, same to my other addons
Here are my addon's IDs
ajgbjhnanbjjppijmilapbimdffddone - (with lots of words and lines)
eifeadnndbigikenajlakplokoklnkkpSome of these are already available on Beta and Dev
d3vil0per last edited by
Also my addon is very simple and easy to check by moderators, it is like a copy and paste headers and parameters of the active tab. Mozilla and Microsoft teams needed less than one day, I would like to distribute my addon also for Opera browser but waiting so much time as also explained by other mates in this topic is negatively incredible (more than 1.5 years), I cannot imagine when a dev needs to update his/her addon. Please Opera moderators, give us a signal.
My addon ID is: nkdbfhmcdnbpalbekcefanlefeaaakcn