[Solved]Speed Dial Suggestions randomly added
iamnotarobot last edited by leocg
Hi there,
Even if I have the Speed Dial Suggestion option turned off, sometimes Opera adds random bookmarks to my speed dial page, links that are not even bookmarked.
Is this a known issue? -
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@iamnotarobot Probably it's not even an issue.
Can you post an screen shot? Most probably they are promoted Speed Dials and not suggestions.
iamnotarobot last edited by
@leocg Thanks for your reply. I actually already deleted the new link that appeared in the Speed Dial, I didn't think of grabbing a screenshot.
Not sure if it helps, but they basically look exactly like the other bookmarks I manually added to the Speed Dial, something like this:
This morning, eBay appeared right next to Gmail with an icon in the same fashion as the others you see in the screenshot above. For the record, I don't have any eBay URL added to my bookmarks, though I use it from time to time.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@iamnotarobot If it's among/next to your Speed Dials, the it's a promoted one. You should be able to disable those promoted Speed Dials in settings too.
Suggested Speed Dials will always be below your Speed Dials and under the word "Suggestions".
iamnotarobot last edited by
@leocg Thanks! I guess these are the options I need to turn off then
For some reason, I overlooked those.