Oprea gx uninstalled and replaced with standard oprea?
Danyboychan last edited by
I've been having a hard time with opera GX. Recently, twice now, it has uninstalled itself and replaced itself with regular Opera and I dont understand why. It's extremely frustrating because it has all my bookmarks on this browser and when I reinstall it, it keeps all my bookmarks like nothing ever happened. I dont want to have to reinstall it every few days and want to know whats possibly causing this, if anyone knows.
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@danyboychan Since Opera GX and regular Opera tend to have different installation folders and profile folders, that would seem difficult. Unless you had done the reverse intentionally (downloaded GX and intentionally installed it over Opera), in which case the updater for regular Opera might still be present and thus "update" you to the latest Stable version
Dekar0 last edited by
Exact same thing happened to me on Nov 5th, GX completely disappeared on my Win 10 laptop and was automatically replaced with normal Opera. This is some unreal bullshit, never seen anything like it before. It took me until now to realize what had happened and I was able to copy my bookmarks and tabs session over because like someone said they have different install paths (under the same main structure). I'm trying to avoid google but this stuff makes it hard.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
So, you're saying that you had Opera GX installed to "C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Local\Programs\Opera GX" with its profile folder at "C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Roaming\Opera Software\Opera GX Stable" and its cache folder at "C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Local\Opera Software\Opera GX Stable", and when it updated, it:
Deleted "C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Local\Programs\Opera GX", removed Opera GX from the install apps list, and removed Opera GX's shortcut / pinned taskbar button.
Installed regular Opera to "C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Local\Programs\Opera", added it to the installed apps list, and added a shortcut / pinned taskbar button for regular Opera.
Renamed "C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Roaming\Opera Software\Opera GX Stable" to "C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Roaming\Opera Software\Opera Stable" and "C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Local\Opera Software\Opera GX Stable" to "C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Local\Opera Software\Opera Stable" where the now regular Opera was using your Opera GX data.
and, you had to uninstall regular Opera (without deleting your data), reinstall Opera GX, and copy over bookmarks and such from the "Opera Stable" profile and overwrite all the new stuff in the "Opera GX Stable" profile to get all / some of your stuff back?
Dekar0 last edited by
@burnout426 Not sure if you were directing this to me or OP. My experience: On Nov 4th I was using Opera GX as I have been for the last few months (fairly recent swap). When I turned my comp on Nov 5th it looked similar but was like it completely reset itself to default specs. I didn't realize how similar normal opera was to GX until this happened. My first thought was that there was a big version upgrade and somehow I accidentally lost all my saved things like tabs and favorites/bookmarks. So, I googled where this stuff was stored and apparently it was the pathways you shared. Copying the bookmarks and session file from opera gx path to opera path fixed everything but saved passwords mostly. It never occurred to me that opera could uninstall itself and reinstall a different version. I don't know of any other browsers with more than 1 version... anyway on Nov 7th I thought I'd check again and realized in my installed programs it was just marked as opera so eventually got to this thread post where it appears OP had the exact same issue on the exact same day.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
@dekar0 Okay. so, your Opera GX Stable profile was still in tact and you only needed to copy some things because you were then using regular Opera instead of Opera GX. So, the correct fixed would have been to uninstall regular Opera and reinstall Opera GX and you would have gotten all your Opera GX data back like things were before.
I didn't realize how similar normal opera was to GX until this happened.
I'm surprised. They should be quite a bit different. Opera GX is dark. Opera is light (unless you change it). Opera GX has a GX corner tab that always loads and is pinned (unless you move it to the sidebar). Opera doesn't have that. Opera GX's start page has way different default speed dials and special thumbnails for them. Opera GX has sounds for everything (including typing) unless you turn those off.
Are you back to using Opera GX or did you stick with regular Opera?
Now, this issue didn't happen to me, and I don't even know how it could of happened. But, I would just assume it was a one-time glitch or one-time mistake with the Opera update servers or something, and see how things go from here. If this happens to you again, report back and we can go through removing Opera completely from your system and installing it fresh to try one last time to see if things stay fixed.
If you want to, in regular Opera's install folder, and in Opera GX's install folder, you could look at the installation status and installation preference files (including the bak file and including the file in the "old_status" folder files) and see if you can find out what went wrong. You can look in "C:\Windows\temp" and "C:\Users\yourusename\AppData\Local\temp" for Opera installer/updater logs to see if you can see what went wrong.
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@burnout426 I would expect some glitch on the update server directed them to the wrong update. Keep in mind, as with all updates the old (GX) version is still there in a different subdirectory and Windows should be able to uninstall the incorrect update and have everything as it was.
Dekar0 last edited by Dekar0
@burnout426 yeah I actually have kaspersky total security
Edit: I know there's a tool under "more tools -> manage applications -> software updater" that in my experience is relatively new for kaspersky, wonder if this plays a part in the flub.
Edit2: I disabled software updater following this guide: https://www.intowindows.com/how-to-disable-the-software-updater-in-kaspersky/
I am going to reinstall GX clean and see if I face any more issues. appreciate everyone's help here especially you burnout. cheers.
Dekar0 last edited by
@burnout426 said in Oprea gx uninstalled and replaced with standard oprea?:
@dekar0 Okay. so, your Opera GX Stable profile was still in tact and you only needed to copy some things because you were then using regular Opera instead of Opera GX. So, the correct fixed would have been to uninstall regular Opera and reinstall Opera GX and you would have gotten all your Opera GX data back like things were before.
I didn't realize how similar normal opera was to GX until this happened.
I'm surprised. They should be quite a bit different. Opera GX is dark. Opera is light (unless you change it). Opera GX has a GX corner tab that always loads and is pinned (unless you move it to the sidebar). Opera doesn't have that. Opera GX's start page has way different default speed dials and special thumbnails for them. Opera GX has sounds for everything (including typing) unless you turn those off.
Like I said I've only used opera for a few months so I thought the differences were relatively minor overall except the "gamer stuff" was missing.
Are you back to using Opera GX or did you stick with regular Opera?
I'm still on normal because I'm lazy lol. I will switch back soon though. One of the things that made me realize is the free games tab wasn't there when I checked.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
@sgunhouse That's what I assumed originally. But, see DNA-79633 and DNA-79632.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
@dekar0 said in Oprea gx uninstalled and replaced with standard oprea?:
yeah I actually have kaspersky total security
Okay. So, there's a known problem with Kaspersky and its software updater. When it tries to update Opera GX, it first uninstalls Opera GX (expected). But, when it tries to download and install the new version of Opera GX, it messes up and fetches the Opera Stable installer instead.
So yeah, definitely turn that off in Kaspersky. Opera is investigating to find a way to make Kaspersky get things right.