Opera GX doesn't connect to the load any website like I'm not connected to the internet
Acorns last edited by
After I was finally able to install the latest version Opera GX, I couldn't download any extensions I was only able to open it once, because the 2nd time it would act like its not connected to the internet just load continuously. Also after the first time I started it I could only run it again as an administrator.
Latest Windows 10
i9-10900K CPU
GeForce RTX 3090
64 GB RAM -
Acorns last edited by
@leocg Also sometimes when I re download and install it I will be stuck at this stage for over an hour.
I will eventually cancel it uninstall and re install until it works. but then i still cant get the pages to load after opening the programs a second time.
my internet is acting just fine as well
Acorns last edited by
https://forums.opera.com/topic/51835/opera-won-t-run-installer-wont-finishThis post is having very similar issues.
Acorns last edited by
@leocg I found an older version of of Opera GX (Version is LVL 1 (core: 62.0.3331.96)), and it works but when I update through the browser to the current version, is causes the same problem where none of the webpages load. Is it possible to get a older patch that is more current.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@acorns Take a look at https://get.geo.opera.com/pub/opera_gx/
Acorns last edited by
@leocg Hey so I was never able to find a build that works but if I download Opera_GX_79.0.4143.73_Autoupdate_x64.exe
And open it on the desktop and it extracts all the files on to the desktop it works, but I'm stuck with all the files on my desktop. If I move those files into a folder it stops working. Any thoughts on how I could figure a way move those files and still have it work?