Speed Dial bookmarks disappeared
ukthesis last edited by leocg
I am trying to recover some speed dial bookmarks which seems to have disappeared. I had to reset the PC. After I reset it, I loaded Opera again. Signed in. Then, the range of Speed Dial bookmarks I had before came up, nicely. But a little while later, as I was fiddling about reinstalling other apps, that screen disappeared. And with it, all the speed dial bookmarks! Tried signing out and in again, even doing a quick reinstal of Opera, but to no effect.
ukthesis last edited by ukthesis
@leoc Some of the websites on the speed dial were up there in bookmarks as well. Some of them are up among the general boomarks but they were probably there before I started to use the speed dial system.
What happened was when I came back first to Opera, after the reset, the speed dial was fine. They were all up there. I went off it to do something else. When I returned, they were all gone! And have not returned.
ukthesis last edited by ukthesis
@ukthesis I looked in the Bookmarkers folder on the left hand side of Opera, and I don't see a Bookmark Manager there. Or anywhere else on the left side when I scroll down. There are lots of bookmarks in the Bookmarks folders, but nothing specifically Speed Dial. BTW - I checked the delete folder and they are not in there by accident.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@ukthesis Type opera://bookmarks in address bar and enter the bookmarks manager page.
In the left of that page you will see a few "folders", like Other Speed Dials, Other Bookmarks, Bookmarks bar and Speed Dial.Access that Speed Dial section and check if there is anything there.