Spotify Player ask to enable secure mode on Opera
starfish777 last edited by
In the lateral bar the player does not run spotify, it ask to enable secure mode but already is enable and even like this ask to enable. I don't know what to do! I disabled all extensions and nothing. Thanks in advance
OS: Linux/Bodhi Linux
Opera version: the Newest (72.0.3815.400) -
A Former User last edited by
@starfish777 Look for my posts in the thread:
Solving the problem of the Opera browser with video playback in Ubuntu and similar distributions (Linux Mint, KDE neon)You have to get WidevineCdm directory with its library.
Go to Vivaldi Help pages and try to follow up its advices. -
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by sgunhouse
If none of that is working it simply may not be possible on Linux. There was an earlier issue with Netflix - they were wanting a mode of the Widevine DRM module that is simply not available in the Linux version. If this is like that, the only answer may be running virtual Windows and a Windows browser.
A Former User last edited by A Former User
@starfish777 D'you understand English language? D'you catch what we're writing about? You're not helpful with the ejaculation - "I'm not using Vivaldi". Then use it for the hell at least once. It won't do you any harm or pain in your...
When you got Vivaldi installed you'd be presented with free WidevineCdm library in /opt/google directory. My Opera Dev uses it running in Debian Bullseye GNU/Linux. I use library from "herecura Repo" (find it yourself). Spotify works with Vivaldi for Debian, with Opera for Debian and what more, Vivaldi paid extra attention to the issue recently in this year.
Open Spotify in a common tab first, the hell. Only then go for the Sidebar goodies (aka Player). Do your homework using small steps and next time when you'd like to receive any helpful answer be kind to provide us with more information about your problems (what, where, why etc.).
You're damn unpleasant guy.