The Synchronization Is Not Working Topic - Opera for Desktops
ika11 last edited by
Hi, today my Opera has been updated to version 71. With this update sync has stopped working. I got something like this
When I click "Sign in" the page opens, but it is completely blank, nothing is on it. How to fix it?
norky69 last edited by
@leocg This new Synchronization totally DELETED my Speed Dial bookmarks!!! It left a few, but the majority of them are totally gone, the Folders have 1-2 bookmarks left in them while the rest also disappeared. What the hell? Where are all my Speed Dial bookmarks?
Is there a way to restore them? Even when I check the online sync account, they are not there. I am not happy. At least my regular bookmarks look the same but the previous sync has never touched my Speed Dial, everything worked fine - now most are goneAnything can be done?
smtpget last edited by
Past few days, My opera browser unable to sync my passwords and bookmarks any help ??
spirosftns last edited by
hello i sync my thinks and it says all its ok after i go to see my 2nd device everything i sync its ok but history its missing what is the problem?
bjarnebertelsen2 last edited by
When are they going to fix the sync function in Opera?
I´m tired of it not working. Very soon I´ll go to another browser!
/Bjarne -
jozefa46 last edited by jozefa46
Opera not allowing me to sync as before, it just stopped working and now ESET flags it up as a security threat and just lets the sign in hang and not go anywhere. I am using Opera version 72.0.3815.148
Yeikellobando last edited by
@leocg Me descargue Opera touch en mi android y quiero vincular la opción de "My Flow" pero en el navegador no me sale la opcion para escanear el codigo QR ¿Que hago?
RegexBrave last edited by
Hi everyone! I have some troubles with the process of synchronization of my data.
I signed up on my PC(windows OS), and then, I do the same on my laptop (windows OS). And when I open new tabs in my PC it isn't synchronizate, and it doesn't display in my history on my laptop.
Although, I set up my settings and my browser have to save everything, except passwords. So, what's the trouble? Why is my synchronization unsuccessful? -
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@RegexBrave Opened tabs from other installations can be found by clicking on the tabs icon on sidebar or by typing opera://activity in address bar. You don't see them there?
And you will see history from other installations when you start typing something on the address bar.
A Former User last edited by
OPera Dev74.0.3890.0 Sync not working,QR not support 74.0
The man-machine verification picture has been verified and the sync data option is not sent; start the sync service. Quick fix -
lishes last edited by
@dudodedudu I still hope that one day Opera can sync tabs in the similar way as old good Xmarks did.
panosv last edited by
@leocg in my case, when i click "Choose a login method" > "use mail address", the next step is "Let's start with an email" > and "Create account" > and when i add my mail, says "Create account" and "Password" and "retype Password". Is this a new way to log in? It needs to retype my password again?
A Former User last edited by
Opera v73 soes not sync on my computer.
It does on other computers and even on mobile.
It all started after formatting my pc.
Before, it would just sync correctly passwords, tabs, history, etc...
Now, when logged in, nothing syncs, no folder for my device is created on the bookmarks, and most interesting, when closing the navigator, the session is lost and a login is required to access the account again.
I'm almost sure I could fix it by deleting my device called PIPOR-PC (main computer) and resync again, but, opera doesn't allow me to delete any device, only the bookmars of each device.How can I erase or unregister a device for good, so then I can resync as if it was a brand new device?.
naheed last edited by
You might be facing the Synchronization problem because your Opera might not be an updated one.
Which Opera version are you using?
The following thread may also help you: -
A Former User last edited by
@denniswilson-0 Hello, sorry to reach out again, but I need help with something more.
Originally, when I realized that the password etc had not saved, I created an Opera account and turned on synchronization, believing that would help in the long run. The didn't help at all, since I never could seem to sync with the Opera servers, and I kept getting the error as seen in the first image.I then signed out of the Synchronization option, thinking that would stop that window from popping up, but I still see it incessantly. It's getting to be a major nuisance, and no matter how many times I sign in and sign off, the sync always attempts, and always fails, and this window pops up again.
If you can, would you please help me turn this off completely? Hoping to hear from you soon.
pfment last edited by
came to this thread looking for an answer - so far, no. i have several computers, opera is updated on all of them (73) and i'm logged in - they all show synced under my account however the laptops do not show the main/desktop computer, they show each other but not the desktop, the desktop shows ALL the computers, including itself. how do i get the other computers to see the desktop?
OperaY last edited by
I'm using Opera 62.1.3146.57513 on a Samsung Galaxy S7 running Android 8.0 but 'Sync and backup' has a status of 'Sync is paused'. When I try to log in using my password it appears to work and I even get a 'New sign-in to your Opera account' e-mail but the status remains at 'Sync is paused. Sign in again to resume.'.
I have reset my password and I can use it to log into my account via the web and into my forum account but I can't get sync to work.