Commercial use of the Opera browser?
michalsestak last edited by
is it possible to get reliable information about license of the Opera browser? I would like to use Opera as browser on my work PC. As web developer I use browser for business usage a lot. But in the terms I found these:From EULA:
(A) use the executable code version of the Software solely as installed on your personal computer;And there are terms of use:
g. Snapshot: Opera’s browser for computers may include functions that enable you to easily take screenshots of content viewed through the browser. This feature is for your personal, non-commercial use only. You agree never to use the feature in any way that violates applicable law, or the rights of any third party, including copyrights.
Does it mean it's forbidden to use Opera browsers for working? It seems like it. Also screenshots wouldn't be possible. As I sometimes use it to make screenshots and post them to the clients (so commercial use) I need to look for another browser. Am I right?
Thank you, hope there is someone from Opera team who could be able to make it clear.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
@michalsestak Lots of people use Opera as their working browser.
donq last edited by donq
@michalsestak said in Commercial use of the Opera browser?:
(A) use the executable code version of the Software solely as installed on your personal computer;
IANAL, but looks like EULA is written by some NAL (not-a-lawyer) either. I would read this "pesonal computer" as PC - which usually means any single use computing device, but sometimes even terminal server
At your workplace, are you sitting behind PC screen, no?
IMO this statement is not about using PC for Opera, but rather about using your/any copy of Opera (executable) somewhat differently than it is installed, like binding its executable into different software package and promote that as your superbrowser or similar.g. Snapshot: Opera’s browser for computers may include functions that enable you to easily take screenshots of content viewed through the browser. This feature is for your personal, non-commercial use only. You agree never to use the feature in any way that violates applicable law, or the rights of any third party, including copyrights.
IANAL again, this should mean that you agree not to take images from copyrighted works (which can be understood as illegal copying) and/or not sell any such images or use them in advertising materials and similar (which usally constitutes as commercial use). Or if snapshot functionality can be automated or scripted, then you should not create web pages 'snapshotting' automaton (and sell it or its results).
Surely some better worded (or explained) EULA would be preferred.