Dark Theme for Google™
A Former User last edited by
It`s wroking. Just enter to extensions and activate the second box to activate the extension
albertop last edited by leocg
OK - works ONLY after doing the following:
<> 1 - Go to Opera extensions managing page (upper left "O" menu -> Extensions -> Extensions).
<> 2 - scroll until seeing the "Dark Theme for Google" extension
<> 3 - check the second checkbox "consent access to search results" for this extension.
Then the extension do work immediately!!
[Mod note: Shouting removed]
albertop last edited by albertop
@rauzwaiz: Not obvious for all users! I'm new on Opera, here from short time, and I have not already been hit by the missing permission bug
A Former User last edited by leocg
@albertop: Not working at all! ...Why no Dark Mode works for the most used Search engine.... Stuuuupid that the user has to help each other, ...the description below works!!
But this have to come from the opera developers, not from the user !
Shows their Lazy attitude, and feeds doupts on opera !!!
A Former User last edited by
Não me sinto muito seguro a ativar a opção "consent access to search results", mas é o que tem pra hoje. O jeito é ficar de olho até sair um oficial ou mais "seguro".
deffka last edited by
Не работает в Opera GX. Все разрешения для этого расширения включены.
Doesn't work in Opera GX. And yes, all permissions for this are included. -
albertop last edited by albertop
@srsombrio said in Dark Theme for Google
Não me sinto muito seguro a ativar a opção "consent access to search results", mas é o que tem pra hoje. O jeito é ficar de olho até sair um oficial ou mais "seguro".
[PT] Não há outro caminho. Para lidar com a página de resultados da Pesquisa Google, a extensão precisa de permissão para acessar os resultados da pesquisa. Ponto.
[EN] There's not another way. To handle the Google Search results page, the extension needs permission to access to search results. Dot.