Where to download the full Opera installer?
A Former User last edited by
Where do I download the full Opera installer? I hate the short version of installers that require one to go online to actually install something. I am not always in a position of going online (and when I do a full reinstall of windows can't really do so).
sgunhouse Moderator Volunteer last edited by
If you go to the Opera website and click on "Computer browsers", then scroll down to click on Windows you end up here where strangely enough they have links for every OS. Just below the button for Windows there is a link to "Download the offline package".
jolang last edited by jolang
Google "opera pub", you'll get a direct link to a directory with all the versions including previous ones.
A Former User last edited by A Former User
(1) opera desktop blog (blogs.opera.com/desktop), choose 'offline'-files.
(2) at the bottom of this (forum-)page click left on 'Opera for Windows',
on the next page you will see all relevant DL-links including offline files (linux, mac, win).
Below is the link to the ftp server with all versions.
(= similar to what sgunhouse has already listed) -
A Former User last edited by
@joland googling opera pub presented pages of pub (a drinking venue)
@sgunhouse the link you provided gave me the exact place I was the first time--or at least it looked the same but no "offline package'' was available and a search for the word "offline" on that page showed no such result. Oddly enough though, clicking on the Windows 10 thing again somehow seemed to have downloaded not the online one but the actual offline one this time around. @tullyn your page did provide such a link.
I thank you all sincerely.