[Solved]Does this site work for anyone or is it just me it doesnt ?
A Former User last edited by
so if maxthon has no problem opening it
what is operas problem here ?or are they just assuming i shouldnt use flash or shockwave anymore for some nefarious reason.
blackbird71 last edited by blackbird71
@ceedee said in Does this site work for anyone or is it just me it doesnt ?:
so if maxthon has no problem opening it
what is operas problem here ?or are they just assuming i shouldnt use flash or shockwave anymore for some nefarious reason.
For me, the site works fine in IE and Edge (both of which, by design, can still render a shockwave/flash file)... the site instead results in a *.swf file download attempt in New Opera (chromium), Vivaldi, and Olde Opera (none of which are Flash-capable on this system). With Flash functionality being deprecated months ago in chromium (hence in Chrome, New Opera, and Vivaldi) and with Olde Opera unable to render it unless Flash is directly installed on the system and invoked by that browser, you have the explanation for what you're seeing. Given that Flash will cease to exist sometime around 2020, websites using it are employing nearly-obsolete (and historically insecure) technology.
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
@blackbird71 said in Does this site work for anyone or is it just me it doesnt ?:
the site works fine in IE and Edge (both of which, by design, can still render a shockwave/flash file)
That's the main problem right there. The site is trying to load the swf file directly (in an iframe). Chromium browsers don't have a handler for that situation. The site instead needs to embed the swf file with an embed element or an object element. Then it'll load in Opera and Chrome (after allow Flash for the site). However, even then when the Flash loads, none of the animation loads. So, there's something extra going on there too.
A Former User last edited by
@burnout426 yes i know that but as other browsers have no problem with it I was just wondering what was operas problem. Having to have a standby browser is a bit irritating for something so trivial.
A Former User last edited by
@leocg dunno about chrome dont use it
but as maxthon provides the features opera doesnt
its making me make a choice
i like opera but its like a nice car that will only let you drive on certain roads and as such i prefer a crappier one that doesnt restrict me -
A Former User last edited by
@leocg Flash is installed and works ok with the sites other content. see the previous post by burnout maybe it is an iframe thing i dont know. All i know is it works fine in maxthon
A Former User last edited by
Works fine here for me in Opera Version:57.0.3098.106 but I have the Flash for chromium installed for a while now so I'd say all you need to do is goto the Adobe flash website and download and install the latest version of flash for chromium browsers
A Former User last edited by
@athlonite I have flash for chrome installed but the site just wants to download a .swf instead of opening it
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by burnout426
to disabled and relaunch Opera.Goto
make sure "Allow sites to run Flash" is enabled and make sure "Ask first" is disabled. Then, make sure there's nothing in the allow/block lists.Also, make sure Opera's adblocker, VPN and Turbo are turned off.
Also, make sure all your extensions are disabled (for this test at least).
Then goto http://jc.osche.free.fr/flash/tinman-infinite-oz.htm.
Does it work then?
It's the "Allow sites to run Flash" without "asked" enabled that makes it work in Opera. The ephemeral option is just to stop Flash asking you each time and isn't really needed when ask is not enabled. The ephemeral flag is going in newer versions of Opera anyway.
Having "asked" enabled and putting the site in the "Allow" list isn't enough to make it work. Ask has to be disabled. Note that in other Chromium browsers, you can't disable "ask" anymore (Opera added the option back in), so this will only work with Opera. Loading the source of https://www.reddit.com/r/operabrowser/wiki/opera/extensions/always_activate_flash in
in Chrome makes the site work in Chrome though. -
A Former User last edited by
@burnout426 progress but not quite there yet
it now loads i see a progress bar at bottom but it sticks at 90
did both the settings tweaks you mentioned
adblocker vpn and turbo disabled -
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
@ceedee Hmm, it's loading all the way for me and I get to the background with the windmill etc.
A Former User last edited by
@burnout426 Fixed it you are a star
had to do one more step
clear temp internet files
now it works
kudos burnout426 owe you buddy -
A Former User last edited by A Former User
Typical opera just autoupdated and its broke again
Im so fed up with this crap
Opera portable still works though
Ill just uninstall opera i think
stick to the portable which doesnt update itself or alter things every 5 minsmaybe a little explanation about me and why i am so anal about this issue and other "silly" things
I suffered a couple of strokes about 5 years ago which left me severly memory disfunctanal and i rely heavily on things like opera to remember for me
any changes and i freak out a bit
a simple unwanted addition to my start page causes me anxiety and screws with me
anyway just a explanation of why im like i am -
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
@ceedee said in Does this site work for anyone or is it just me it doesnt ?:
Typical opera just autoupdated and its broke again
Hmm, my Opera updated to 57.0.3098.110 and the site is still working. I checked my settings and they're still the same.
Did it turn "Ask" back on for Flash? Maybe try disabling "Allow sites to run Flash" and then enable it again. If "Ask" is still off, try turning it on and back off.
A Former User last edited by A Former User
@burnout426 it does the loading to 90 thing
but doesnt get past that I will try what you suggest and report backSomething odd I have allow flash on
ask first off
disabled the ephemaral thing you saidit puts a plugin blocked in the address bar everytime i go to tinman
if i click that and select run this time it loads and sticks at 90 -
burnout426 Volunteer last edited by
@ceedee said in Does this site work for anyone or is it just me it doesnt ?:
it puts a plugin blocked in the address bar everytime i go to tinman
Chromium (and therefore Opera) blocks small Flash elements on a page (less then 6 x 6 for Flash elements on the same domain). When this happens, you'll get that notification where you can temporarily allow it. But, a lot of times, the small Flash object being blocked is for an ad or something and not the main Flash object. You can try my Always Load Flash extension at https://www.reddit.com/r/operabrowser/wiki/opera/extensions/always_activate_flash if you want, which will work around that and always load Flash.
it does the loading to 90 thing
Clearing the cache again fix it?