Not Entirely Specifically About Opera:: Google Translate
bbildman last edited by bbildman
I read a lot of Spanish newspapers, involving the Web page translation using Google Translate. What REALLY irks me is the incessant pop-up that displays "Original Spanish Text" whenever my cursor hovers over a translated phrase, or paragraph. I have searched far and wide for a solution as to how to disable this, including perusing Google groups etc, but alas have come up with nothing that solves this issue (many posts everywhere complaining bout this and a lack of solution)
So...has anyone come across a way to disable this in Opera??
bbildman last edited by bbildman
Not sure what you mean by this, Leo. I do not see anything that allows this pop-up to be disabled at all.
for instance here's a page that has been translated into English from Spanish, putting your cursor in ANY text pops up the "Original Spanish Text" balloon.
bbildman last edited by bbildman
@leocg I think this is funny, because there are MANY other folks that have complained about this issue, Google has NEVER addressed it....and funny because I may have to search for an extension that disables this.
Well...I hve tried every popup blocker offered, and nothing works, this is a function that obviously Google does not want to offer a choice to disable.
Thanks anyway