Opera 12 Notes.html - how to create
dax last edited by
Opera 15, 16, 12, 10, 46 do not work.
I have an old Opera 12 Notes.html now it's stuborn to do it.I have renamed notes.adr to bookmarks.adr and the page doesn't load/understand the file.
A Former User last edited by
Versions of Opera after version 12 are built on a completely different base to earlier versions, and they will not recognise data files from earlier versions.
The only exception is that they will import bookmark files from ealier versions as a one-time operation on first install.
This does not include notes, as they don't support notes.
blackbird71 last edited by
Opera 12's Notes and Bookmarks files are in Opera's own special .adr format, which is not html-coded format. Simply renaming an adr file with an html extention will accomplish nothing, since any attempt to later read or import them as if they were html format will fail because they're not really internally formatted that way. Opera 12 has built-in capability to convert its bookmarks.adr file into html code for export as an html bookmarks file, but lacks any capability to convert its notes.adr file that same way.
Depending on what you're really trying to do, opening the notes.adr file in Notepad (or in an Excel spreadsheet as @rudrick suggests) will allow you to read the contents of each original note, but it will be formatted in a 'listing' kind of way with several notes-related data lines interposed for each note section.
dax last edited by
Is your Opera 12 installed in default folder?
F:\Program Files 2\Opera
The installer had no problem recognize this path and already was generated some years ago "Opera 12 Notes.html"
First, i deleted "Opera 12 Notes.html" then ran Opera 15 installer hoping to create a new "Opera 12 Notes.html"
A Former User last edited by
Opera 15 is the very first version of Chromium-based Opera, and is now very old.
If you're going to use the new version, do use the latest version.
It still won't support notes from the old Opera though, as this native functionality was removed.
I'm sure it can be replicated with an extension, but I don't know whether that extension would be able to import your notes from Opera 12.
dax last edited by
This is how it looks like from beginning, i can trim it even in Notepad if it aids.
The goal is to have notes in .html for V7 Notes to import from, so i could use my notes in the latest Opera.Opera Hotlist version 2.0
Options: encoding = utf8, version=3#FOLDER
NAME=These mics have the largest diaphragm size (0.579” = 14.6mm) of any ever available on a portable recorder.
NAME=Tascam DR-07mkII $112.49 [emagcheap]
CREATED=1386131146 -
A Former User last edited by
Hey I found this while on GitHub: https://github.com/shwetank/old-opera-notes
It says that iw works with Opera Developer 29+ -
dax last edited by
You probably need to remove your profile folder in order to olera notes html file to be created.
He means your new profile, not the one for Opera 12.
Likely. Used to install in different folders when not updating, though.
dax last edited by
Hey I found this while on GitHub: https://github.com/shwetank/old-opera-notes It says that iw works with Opera Developer 29+
Super-interesting, gave it a try in Opera not Developer
Version: 47.0.2631.55 (PGO)
and didn't show much, "copy to note" it was notAlso followed your previous http://www.hallvord.com/opera/adr2html.htm and found out a converter yet to make it run if i succeed
https://sourceforge.net/p/randomtoolkit/svn/3/tree//RandomToolkit/src/main/java/net/sourceforge/deathhack/notes/Meantime using the .adr header:
Opera Hotlist version 2.0 Options: encoding = utf8, version=3
i copy/paste some of the notes in one notes.adr, other notes in second notes.adr file then Import ADR in V7 Notes one after another and as V7 specifies, it does not update the notes. I only have to let as much as possible of notes.adr still able to import by V7 Notes or get the error in the file if this is the case why it's not imported as a whole.
dax last edited by
With your help I got here and I managed to make notes.adr usable for V7 Notes. Now isn't anymore the error message @ import .adr
It turned out not the size upset V7 but some of the IDs that were not in order. Notes from Trash had IDs not fit, emptied the Trash and worked.
Now i think i have all the notes imported, there is a difference of about 10 in minus, i don't know what they could be or how to find them as they are not taken into account by V7 Stats.