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A Former User last edited by
You say "Turbo isn't turned off". Do you mean that it's on? If so, turn it off and see if it makes any difference!
When you look at the "About Opera" page under the main menu, where does it say that the profile is?
The path should end with "\profile\data".
Your profile folder, called "Profile", should certainly be there in that location, with a "Data" folder within it.
zalex108 last edited by
Look in "About Opera" on the menu for your profile location
I went to the folder as you said, and there's no file or folder called profile'. I've searched for the wordprofile' and it tells me that no items match my search.
You can use: Run (WindowsKey + R) type %AppData% and Enter.
"You cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that created you". ยท Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
rjas21 last edited by
Hi Dave and Zalex - thanks both for your help
Sorry, I mistyped - Opera Turbo is not enabled.
It says the profile is at C:\Users[my username]\AppData\Roaming\Opera Software\Opera Stable
But when I go to that folder, and look for a file or folder called `Profile' (and even search for it), there's nothing.
Thanks for the %appdata% method - that took me to the Opera Software and Opera Stable folders, but, once again, there's nothing called `profile'
A Former User last edited by
That's very strange, that's certainly where the Profile folder should be!
Have you got Explorer set to show hidden files and folders?
The Profile folder shouldn't be hidden, but you never know!
zalex108 last edited by
Both are right. But misunderstood.
The problem it's that the "profile" folder it's not called "Profile" but Opera Stable/Beta/Dev, inside Opera Software, so:
The path to the "profile" OMenu > About Opera > Profile has a certain name that is not called "profile".
The Profile folder shouldn't be hidden, but you never know!
Or you have your "Show hidden system files" enabled or your profile it's in another place, since the profiles are in
"> [User] > Roaming":lol:
But you can arrive through Win + R > %AppData% without enable "Show hidden files"
PS: Or you use
Win + R > %AppData% xD
"You cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that created you". ยท Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
rjas21 last edited by
Thanks to you both and sorry for the confusion on my part.
I can't see "/Beta/Dev" either, regardless of how I try to find it (via the folder or the win + R)
Hide Hidden Files is turned off.
I haven't moved anything from the Opera Software folder - as you can tell from my questions, I lack the technical skill to know how to
A Former User last edited by
Well that's strange, I certainly wasn't aware that there was no longer a "Profile" folder in some circumstances!
One thing you could try, is do a search for "Bookmarks" (no file extension).
If it finds a file called "Bookmarks" it will be in your profile\data folder, wherever it is!
zalex108 last edited by admin
The profile folder it's called Data inside Opera Stable.
So check where is from OMenu > About Opera > Path > Profile and then close Opera and go with the explorer Win + R > %AppData%, and rename it to Data.old or Date.Data 03.20.2017.Data...
Open Opera and check.
Not sure if the content of the cache will be reset or not, if any problem remains, just delete cache folder as well, you can find the path in the same steps: OMenu > About Opera > Path > but search for Cache
Your bookmarks will disappear but still remain in the renamed Data folder.
You can find more info in the FAQ Frequently Asked Questions (Opera for Windows)
"You cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that created you". ยท Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
A Former User last edited by
There is a folder called "Data", as I said, but it always used to be within a folder called "Profile".
Renaming "Data" would do the same job as renaming "Profile" of course, but it's a bit of a mystery to me why the OP doesn't seem to have a folder called "Profile"!
Has this in fact been changed in more recent versions of Opera?
zalex108 last edited by
I haven't seen "profile" since Opera Presto, I've seen >> Opera Software > Opera Stable / Beta / Developer > Data
But I use custom paths for profiles so maybe in some point was called Profile but I didn't noticed.
"You cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that created you". ยท Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
There is a folder called "Data", as I said, but it always used to be within a folder called "Profile".
And they will appear only in standalone/portable installations.
I haven't seen "profile" since Opera Presto, I've seen >> Opera Software > Opera Stable / Beta / Developer > Data
In a regular installation there is no folder called 'profile'. Even in Presto there wasn't one if I remember correctly.
Profile folder is just a way to call the folder that stores the user data.
A Former User last edited by
Thanks for the clarification @leocg. I've always used standalone installations of Opera because I'm its only user, and I prefer all its files being in one place. I didn't realise that the folder structure was actually different in a standard installation, as well as being in a different place of course!
Sorry for the confusion @rjas21. I'll remember that for the future!
My advice still stands, just substitute "Data" for "Profile"!
rjas21 last edited by
Is this where I give you the heartbreaking news that there's no file or folder named `Data' either?
A Former User last edited by
Well in that case try my suggestion of searching your hard drive for a file called "Bookmarks" (with no file extension).
That's the file that stores (you guessed it) your Opera bookmarks and Speed Dial data.
It should definitely be in your profile/data folder, wherever it is!
If you can't find that file, I'm truly stumped!
zalex108 last edited by
I usually use Standalone installs too.
Let's see what happens with Rjas21 issue.
"You cannot know the meaning of your life until you are connected to the power that created you". ยท Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi
A Former User last edited by
Menu > About Opera
Check the path for 'Profile'. That folder is your 'profile' folder.We've said this several times!
Please look at "About Opera" and tell us exactly what it says after "Profile:" in the list of paths.
You can highlight it and copy and paste it into your message.