Cannot read text in bookmarks bar while running Peppermix Dark Theme (Widget) in Peppermint Linux OS
flying1 last edited by
Hello I also use Peppermint 7 and as stated above I am also having problems as the same as perknh
punksnotdead83 last edited by
Is there any fix for this? I am experiencing the same problem on Debian 8 (Cinnamon) and Opera Beta...
I think it may be a Cinnamon issue. -
A Former User last edited by
Thanks for that idea.
Nope. It's not just a Cinnamon issue. As you'll see above, Peppermint has an Xfce interface, and Chromium renders just fine --Chrome and Yandex too. This is an Opera issue. But, thank you with helping through a process of elimination.
Note also that Opera-beta's screen in rendering too large. I cannot X out the screen as I can with Chromium.
I hope this info helps.
punksnotdead83 last edited by
Ah, pardon me.. I just assumed Peppermint was related to Linux Mint which was born with Cinnamon... I ended up just installing KDE-Desktop and have since had no problems with conflicting font colours, although I am considering returning to Windows, for as much as I despise Microsoft, unfortunately their operating systems are just "better" for the end user.. I hope you find your answer
A Former User last edited by
Hi punksnotdead83,
It's related in the sense that it and Mint are both Ubuntu derivatives. Please feel free to investigate Peppermint Linux OS and join our forum there. Peppermint's community is very lively and knowledgeable --with a strong emphasis on the end-user. Please, before you give up on Linux, try Peppermint 7. Join our forum for support. You'll have plenty of support there I suspect you'll enjoy Peppermint very, very much.
By the way, you've got a great name for the forum. It's a winner!
Many of us admire, and a couple of us use, Opera browser with Peppermint. We've got a couple of ongoing Opera browser threads within Peppermint forum.
punksnotdead83 last edited by
Thank you
I am just settling in to a new install of ubuntu.. If something goes wrong or when I get bored of it, I will try Peppermint.. It is one I haven't really heard much about, I take it it's relatively new?
A Former User last edited by
Hi punksnotdead83,
Peppermint's initial release was 6 years ago. Actually Peppermint is quite well known in the Linux community. It's geared towards home computer users, laptops, and netbooks. My wife, mrs.perknh, and I dumped Windows years ago for Peppermint. Since then, we haven't looked back.
If you're curious, check out any of English Bob's videos about Peppermint 7 on YouTube. English Bob knows Linux well. His videos can give you a good introduction to Peppermint 7.
Yeah, sometimes I play around with Ubuntu too. It can be fun. But, for us, when it comes to day in and day out computing, Peppermint is our go-to distribution. Another thing, punksnotdead83, you'll never find support within a Linux forum like you will within Peppermint's support forum. The geeks and gurus over at Peppermint REALLY know their stuff.
In the meantime, punksnotdead83, have fun with Ubuntu and Opera!
punksnotdead83 last edited by
I'm sold... Installing Peppermint now, Ubuntu has already annoyed me too much.....