Recover Closed Windows(tabs) by accident
doncaman last edited by
Which is the "tab menu"? the arrow next to the plus sign or the page that appears when opening a blank tab? or what?
Thanks for taking the time to answer my friend. -
doncaman last edited by
No, if i create new windows they're not listed in there. That button just shows me the tabs of the current window i'm.
doncaman last edited by
Is there something i can do to fix it? My opera version is 38.0.2220.41, i looked in the config's options but seen nothing. Again, many thanks for your time!
doncaman last edited by
Yes, in there I see it as tabs in different windows (or as separate groups), but there's no option to "restore last window closed" or such.
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
Yes, in there I see it as tabs in different windows (or as separate groups), but there's no option to "restore last window closed" or such.
Yep, there is no such option there. You should see it inside 'Recently Closed' in 'Tab Menu'.
No idea why you aren't seeing it there. Those were normal windows?
doncaman last edited by
Yes, those were normal windows, and not private or such. I looked around but there's no "recently closed" in "tab menu". Extremely rare.
gledhillda last edited by
NO-one answered the fundamental question whether you can disable accidental closing by requesting confirmation?. Surely such and obviously helpful and presumably easy to program option should be in all browsers, it is in many other programs and some webpages ask as well if you really want to close the window? I've come to opera as chrome doesn't seem to have this option.... iF opera doesn't, does anyone know of a browser that does? thanks david.
rif last edited by
Did you try right clicking on any open tab and choose "Reopen last closed tab?" The keyboard shortcut is Ctrl-Shift-T.