ERR: 496 Samsung Blu Ray DVD Player BD-J5700
freelife44 last edited by
I am a subscriber to Netflix using my Samsung DVD player. Formerly we were able to get Netflix movies, Youtube, and Opera TV Store. Now we only get Netflix and Youtube. When we log on to Opera TV Store we get a message. Error: 496 Your device is not supported. Then the page freezes. We have to shut power off to the TV and DVD player and then turn it back on. Then Netflix and You tube will work. Anyone know any fixes for this? We have reset the settings on the DVD and went back to default on our wireless connection, but nothing works. I can't figure out how to reach support at Opera TV store. If anyone has any ideas please post a reply.
TomaszStawarz Opera last edited by
We are in contact with Samsung and trying to resolve your problem. Could you tell us from which country are you connecting and what your firmware version is?
Tomasz -
zomnker last edited by
Is there a resolution to this? Samsung support was rather useless for this issue. I am in the USA, firmware version is B-JM53BSPWWB-1008.0
wolfgang031691 last edited by
A resolution would be nice. And soon please. Otherwise, I must return my Samsung.
As I have read, it seems this problem has existed for a while with no fix or even a work-a-round, which makes me believe we, the consumer, are stuck with what we got - nothing.
Samsung points the blame directly at Opera TV which, principally, may be correct. However, seeing how Samsung agreed to partner with Opera to help produce this product, you'd think they'd be working with Opera to help resolve (IE putting pressure on them). As it is, no one answers to anyone.
mthomas77 last edited by
Has there been any resolution to this? It's tremendously frustrating considering the amount of people that have asked for assistance and not received it. I purchased a Samsung BD JM57C and am getting a "Check network settings and Internet connection status..." messages. This seems ridiculous. Where is the support?
brookeshiver last edited by
I updated my Samsung BluRay DVD player and it is still not able to connect to the Opera TV Store. Is there another way to get it to work?