Opera Mini 16 for Android
d-wa last edited by
@lantohsay or ask to make it satisfying.
honestly, who don't want improvements? apparently it's you.
A Former User last edited by
@d-wa: We're actively working on improving the file download experience in Opera Mini (with varying degrees of success ;)) but it would be great if you could help us debug the issues you're experiencing. Can you please fill a bug report from within your Opera Mini client and post the bug ID here? Please add your e-mail in the report so I can reach out to you directly.
desirecox last edited by
I'm getting an error. It says err page did not load, empty response. Do I have my settings wrong?
d-wa last edited by
@olasia I think it's not a bug or apps failure, so I can't really report it as an issue.
the function is working as it should, but it could be better. (just use the goddamn persistent running process for downloads) -
nowurtalkin last edited by
It just wasted my time as it used to so many times before I finally quit bothering w/forum. I composed a lengthy comment about the problems & clicked to post. It scrolled me back up to the top and so I scrolled back down here AGAIN (ugh) and see my comment did not post. Same ol shit for yrs. Can't even open simple website "www.voip-pal.com". Etc etc. Tried new opera mini also & same thing. O well. Years go by same crap. Pitiful
nowurtalkin last edited by
I see nothing much has changed.. Using my older opera mini it can't even open simple website "www.voip-pal.com", so I finally downloaded a new opera mini (still keeps asking me every single day to try it, with a huge ad which I have to navigate around or click on "later". Stupid pain is the ass. I already have it) and the new opera mini, after all these years, can't even open that very simple & basic website. Seems pitiful to me. What's the problem? As has been the case for years now (lost count on how many years), there are other sites that won't open as well & numerous sites that won't open properly or fully or fully functional. What kind of supposedly worldwide use, developed for years browser (android) can't even open simple website? All I get is a blank page. I see also from the above comments that there is still the same old issues with downloading. I gave up on opera mini years ago bcuz of that. Can't believe it's still a big issue. Wow. If the above issues are inherent somehow in the type of browser it is, then I think there should be a bug header that says: sorry but please be aware that opera mini, due to its general makeup, is not able to open all websites & is not able to download much in many cases. I also know something else.. As I became very frustrated w/opera mini years ago for the above reasons, I used to report that I had no such issues w/uc browser. Then uc browser also started to compress for big data savings, same as opera mini, and guess what?..... it STILL works to open any website I have ever tried to open & still downloads anything ever tried. These issues have been present for me, throughout numerous versions & several android phones, for several yrs now. Hard to understand all these new, improved (supposedly) versions after versions (so many I've lost count) and I still can't go to numerous websites. Also, I see that although there is a couple responses from some helpers above, still for the most part, most questions & complaints go unanswered like it always was here. Also, when I came here to make this post, I have to scroll & scroll from oldest to newest comments to get to them. Well, I'm glad there seems to be some ppl who like & enjoy opera mini usage. I don't get it? Since I only rarely come here, if anyone has any useful reply, plz send to Nowurtalkin222@yahoo.com unless there is a notification process bcuz I forgot this forum even exists anymore & only found it bcuz I was scratching around for some tweak to get it to open www.voip-pal.com. Thanx
nowurtalkin last edited by
Just to be clear, it didn't post my 1st comment, so I made 2nd one to mention that & then when I hot back button to leave, there was the unposted composed comment which did indeed now post. So like always, pretty quirky. Bye.
eokwuanga last edited by
I have a suggestion for an Opera Mini feature, I don't know if this is the right place to post it though.
If it's possible I think per site settings for data savings mode would be very useful, for example I could set Facebook, Amazon and some other sites to always open in high data saving mode while all other websites open in extreme mode.
filmfilmf last edited by
Extreme data compression works only sometime. Most of the time websites don't load. It says connection failed. High compression works always.
d-wa last edited by
@eokwuanga that is exactly what I also think. in fact it actually already exist with selected e-commerce sites. they open only in high saving. but we got no option to set our preferred sites.
I've mentioned this on my past post.I think high saving whitelist would be nice addition to the feature.
btw, amazon already high-saving only.
hendri-dunan last edited by
u can check this site, http://iwanbanaran.com/2016/06/adu-kencang-yamaha-mx-king-vs-honda-supra-gtr150-by-otomotif-nyaris-unggul-segala-sisi/
I used extreme & high mode to open it, but same. Ads still there. -
hendri-dunan last edited by
Here I submit ss: http://postimg.org/image/dydgei0ej/
the picture on top is ad -
leocg Moderator Volunteer last edited by
u can check this site, http://iwanbanaran.com/2016/06/adu-kencang-yamaha-mx-king-vs-honda-supra-gtr150-by-otomotif-nyaris-unggul-segala-sisi/
I used extreme & high mode to open it, but same. Ads still there.I can see the ad on desktop Opera too, so i guess that simply isn't blocked by the list used by Opera ad-blocker.
mbaluta last edited by
There is now way we could distinguish such ad from normal picture in automated way and we will not mark such ads manually, as there are tooooo many websites on the web. No ad block will block 100% of ads (unless it block you access to the Internet
hendri-dunan last edited by
Ok, thanks for explain but I hope for the next version, manually block list option could also be added, bro...
d-wa last edited by
I wonder if opera ad-block list at least on par with adblock plus's fanboy listing.