@roypara If Cloudflare CAPTCHAs are not working in Opera Air, here are a few troubleshooting steps to fix the issue,
• Disable Ad Blocker or Tracking Protection
Go to Settings > Privacy & Security
Disable Block Trackers & Ads (or whitelist the affected websites)
Refresh the page and try again.
•Clear Cookies and Cache
Go to Settings > Privacy & Security > Clear Browsing Data
Check Cookies and Site Data + Cached Images and Files
Click Clear Data, then restart Opera Air
Try a Different User-Agent (Switch to Desktop Mode)
Cloudflare sometimes blocks browsers with unusual user agents.
•Press Ctrl + Shift + I (Developer Tools)
Go to Network conditions > Uncheck Use browser default
Select a different browser (e.g., Chrome, Edge)
•Or just enable Desktop Mode in Opera Air settings (if using a mobile device).
•Disable Extensions (One by One)
Some extensions interfere with Cloudflare.
Go to opera://extensions
Disable all extensions
Try CAPTCHA again
5. Check DNS Settings
Opera might use a custom DNS that Cloudflare doesn’t like.
Go to Settings > Privacy & Security > System DNS
Change DNS to Google (, or Cloudflare (,
Restart Opera Air
•Try Incognito Mode
Open a new Private Window (Ctrl + Shift + N) and check if CAPTCHA works. If it does, a setting or extension is likely causing the issue.
•Reset Opera Air Settings
If all else fails, reset Opera Air to default settings:
Go to Settings > Advanced > Reset Settings
Click Restore settings to their original defaults