the problem is:
in opera web you can enter two passwords:
one for your account and
one to encrypt your synchronized data
current problem with opera mobile is:
as soon as you encrypt your synchronized data on web, opera mobile does no longer synchronize any data any longer
** reason is probably cause it is not possible to provide the password for the encryption on opera mobile, so it would be good if opera mobile devs would add this
latest versions have random crash when I type in the address bar or zoom or click home... this happens on my galaxy s6 and galaxy tab A. I switched to Firefox but unhappy i got back to version 36. this is the last stable i got.
For resons best known to Opera, at device start up there are two permanently running background services for data mining and spam delivery purposes. They call it analytics and news. These services run regardless of whether you use the browser or not.
My suspicion is that the URL that Opera generates doesn't properly work, causing the problem.
A (poor) solution is to add Google search to the search engines (long press on text box on and then select that instead of the pre-added google search. Downside being that you can't set the default to your custom search engine, so you have to select from the search engine drop down every time.
I sense a conspiracy theorist in our midst - Go back to Alex Jones. You can disable the news feed if you wish, I did it to conserve bandwidth and battery.