We need to have Google removed from the browser and replaced it with a service that doesn't track you.
I agree with all your posting, but can you seriously image any service nowadays not to track you? So called 'free' services have to sustain themselves somehow - tracking users is essential to increasing their ad revenue. Paid services (are there any left?) unfortunately can't gather enough weight and customers to pay even for operational costs, thereby these services track their users either. Maybe some services sell only aggregated data or correlations and not personal data, but we never can't know for sure.
Have you heard some ISPs selling users browsing data to third parties? I have - and how do you expect to avoid tracking at ISP level?
What means that probabaly we have to accept that we are tracked all the time. Of course amount of information and amount of trackers can be reduced (and we need to fight for our privacy), but completely anonymous and untracked browsing is almost impossible today.