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Could we get this feature in full screen mode?
Also mouse gestures not work for lap top touch pad.
Could we get this feature in full screen mode?
Also mouse gestures not work for lap top touch pad.
[3428:1252:1227/] Unable to create pipe "\.\pipe\chrome.oauc_task_pipee59e7323ed1cebd78082538c8b9cbe70" in client mode: The system cannot find the file specified. (0x2)
This is the
From beta Version 43.0.2442.7 (PGO)
This was happened before changes made in the name of opera_autoupdate.exe.
May be usefull as test info.
OS is Win7.
I have found Opera beta and Opera folder in the Pogram files x(86) folder. Only the Opera folder containa file Opera.exe that I have renamed as is described in FAQ section.
This beta is like bel canto opera.
How to disable updates in Version 43.0.2442.7 (PGO)?
After so many attempts I have finaly nanaged to get this version runing as Opera should. You aee not thinking abuot it.
That'a all I want from any softver
Version: 43.0.2442.7 (PGO) - Opera is up to date
Working fast and clean as Opera always do.
Please close the topic.
I have clean instalations of few versions including beta.
What did you mean by "Portable"?