but still you cannot decide what to open... Or have a quick look to find the one tab you want out of the dozens...
@kgiii guess who also started CSS Opera was once the leader, but today became the badly copy/paste follower
@skoy21 Opera is awesome. I'm a huge fan but I can't get the code to compile on BSD. sighs That's okay, I hardly use BSD anyhow but I really want to migrate - I just can't because I like Opera that much.
I'm trying to poke Opera a little with some suggestions here and there. I'm not the greatest coder in the world but I think I may have to finally grab the source (again - I somehow misplaced it) and hack at it until it does what it is supposed to do.
I used to pay for the privilege to use Opera now I can't even donate. Opear used to lead the way, like you said, and that's why I'm a fan. I use the default installed browser long enough to download Opera.
I'm hoping this settles down and that they start innovating again. I can hope, right? I'll stick with them as it is still my preferred browser, by far. I'll still recommend them to those who ask. I'll just have to add it to my to-do list and start hacking at the code myself. I was really hoping to avoid that.